Jan 10, 2009 14:52
According to one of the many books we have recently acquired on the subject:
7 weeks ago, our baby was the size of a grain of rice.
6 weeks ago, our baby was the size of a Cheerio.
5 weeks ago, our baby was the size of a pinto bean.
4 weeks ago, our baby was the size of a medium green olive.
3 weeks ago, our baby was the size of a small plum.
2 weeks ago, our baby was the size of a large lime.
1 week ago, our baby was the size of a peach.
This week, our baby is the size of...A FIST!
I knew it! We're having a Ninja!
Mary is certain that it'll be a girl, but I've been telling people since Christmas, when we made the announcement, that if it has 10 fingers, 10 toes and 2 swords, I dont care if it's a Ninja or Pirate, I'll be a proud papa!
Reading this morning that our baby is the size of a Fist- well, that certainly does back up the Ninja theory. I am preparing myself and baby momma for the issues that are sure to come when our little bundle of joy/master of concealment starts to crawl. And bedtime! Oh golly gosh. We turn off the light and POOSH! The kid disappears into the shadows...
I'm not exactly sure why the popular books all seem to compare the size to something i would eat, but looking ahead, that seems to stop with Fist. Unless next week's 'softball' is some sort of delicacy i have not heard of.
However, for the past 6 weeks, I have been calling the kid 'Cheerio', a name that will probably stick well beyond the time when it embarrasses his/her friends. Speaking of His/Her, we find out mid Feb. And we're due in July.
Kansas City.
That's where babies come from.