scrub-scrub here! scrub-scrub there!

Jan 23, 2008 15:38

my latest thing (and by now it is fair to call it a thing), is dishes.
i've been doing the dishes a lot. perhaps more than necessary- but when mary's mom came to visit over thanksgiving i noticed that we were running the dishwasher on almost a daily basis, and the sink and the counter looked nicer than ever before. so I kept in the habit. now i cant stop.
my wife even thanked me for it out of the blue, and positive feedback from a pretty girl is more than enough motivation for me to continue doing pretty much anything.
the one thing that I'm not really into is putting the pots and pans away after they are clean. plates and cups away are no problem, but having to crouch down and pull out the bowls and pots and stack them back up and get them all where they are supposed to be- blek. oh well, i'm halfway there.
I needs to keep the dished clean so I can wake up early and make my hard working woman breakfast and coffee and pack her lunch.
i'm such a good little housewife.

mary and I are getting a room on the strip on SAT and are going to see one of the Cirque De Soleil shows.
Half price for Vegas locals. i'm into it. Also, I donated blood before Christmas, I got 2 free tickets to Penn and Teller that I need to use sometime in 2008. Apparently, they do this every year and this was the first time i happened to hear about their blood drive on the radio. One pint of something I'll make more of and you'll pay my way to see a bunny thrown into a woodchipper?!? again. I'm in.
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