A sign of life! I haven´t posted for a while and I´m sorry for that. Somehow I haven´t much to tell/share/rant about (which of course isn´t true because everyones life is in a certain way interesting and worthy of mention) furthermore RL is seizing me, in all its wonderful, terrible and overwhelming facets. Usually I´m lurking and also read most entries on LJ without commenting or I´m really, really late with it. I hope, you forgive me! I´m with you all and haven´t forgotten my LJ-friends!
The currently best facet:
I finally had some wonderful coaching lessons lately with some so cute and sweet coacheés! I really love my new profession and I hope there will be a lot more lessons. It´s so great to see when they change their attitude in relation to learning problems and issues.
Another fact:
It´s my favorite season! I love autumn in all its richness, blaze of colors and multifaceted fragrances and lights! I love to be outside for a good run or walk :-)
Here are some pictures from the prospect out of my (first) working place. Even a shabby parking lot looks much better!
And my kitty loves the autumn sun too ♥
LOVe, Heike