I swear, sometimes I just don't know what people are thinking. I was just hanging out online, looking up current events and waiting for a call. A person I do not know and have never heard of decides to message me. Whatever. It's all good. He says 'hi' I say 'hi'. Blah blah blah. The thing is, this guy decides to get all parental on me. If I took 2 seconds to consider something he'd written he'd get upset and derrogatory. If I didn't know better, I'd say he is someone I know because his tactics are very familiar, but I'm quite certain this is just a common thread in controlling/abusive people.
Session Start (artistinchains:sepuko2002): Fri May 12 21:46:58 2006
[21:46] sepuko2002: hi
[21:46] *** Auto-response sent to sepuko2002: I am currently idle.
[21:47] sepuko2002: do you remember me?
[21:47] artistinchains: hmm don't recognize the screenname
[21:48] sepuko2002: Excellent memory then, cause we've never met :P
[21:48] artistinchains: good call
[21:48] sepuko2002: Oops.. sorry that was lame..
[21:48] sepuko2002: :(
[21:48] artistinchains: lol
[21:48] sepuko2002: i just didn't know what to say
[21:48] sepuko2002: how are you anyway?
[21:48] artistinchains: i'm alright
[21:48] sepuko2002: Good to hear that
[21:48] artistinchains: and you?
[21:48] sepuko2002: I am fine too. Thanks for asking.
[21:48] sepuko2002: Finally! Someone with manners
[21:49] sepuko2002: I am Leo, by the way
[21:49] artistinchains: no problem
[21:49] sepuko2002: do you have a name?
[21:49] artistinchains: hi leo
[21:49] artistinchains: i do
[21:49] artistinchains: it's timberly
[21:49] sepuko2002: I've never heard of Timberly
[21:49] sepuko2002: that's nice
[21:49] sepuko2002: Pleased to meet you
[21:49] artistinchains: thanks
[21:49] sepuko2002: it's always Kimberly...
[21:49] sepuko2002: that's special
[21:50] artistinchains: yeah i'm not a 'kimberly' fan :)
[21:50] sepuko2002: :)
[21:50] sepuko2002: So what are you a fan of?
[21:50] sepuko2002: mmm... I must be boring you to death
[21:51] sepuko2002: or, did i put you to sleep already?
[21:51] artistinchains: no i'm just answering a phone call
[21:51] sepuko2002: Say hello! :P
[21:51] artistinchains: lol
[21:52] sepuko2002: tell them to leave you in peace. We're trying to get married here
[21:52] artistinchains: riiiiight :)
[21:53] sepuko2002: well, not quite yet..
[21:53] sepuko2002: but who knows?
[21:53] artistinchains: be right back
[22:01] sepuko2002: So when you say "right back", you mean it too!
[22:01] *** Auto-response sent to sepuko2002: I am currently idle.
[22:37] artistinchains: back
[22:37] artistinchains: was talking
[22:37] sepuko2002: was talking?
[22:37] artistinchains: on the phone
[22:37] sepuko2002: but you were talking to me first
[22:38] sepuko2002: why did you choose to keep the phone conversation and put me on hold, and not the other way around?
[22:38] artistinchains: because i don't know you but i do know the phone person quite well
[22:38] artistinchains: and was expecting the call
[22:39] sepuko2002: that justifies what you did?
[22:39] sepuko2002: as you wish
[22:39] artistinchains: no need for justification it's just how i prioritize
[22:39] sepuko2002: well your priorities are screwed up
[22:40] artistinchains: not really
[22:40] sepuko2002: it sure does
[22:40] sepuko2002: do i look like i am the type to be a second choice?
[22:40] sepuko2002: do i look like i will just accept?
[22:40] artistinchains: you don't look like any type at this point. i don't know you.
[22:42] sepuko2002: you do NOT make this decision
[22:42] sepuko2002: whether i look like a type or not, you have nothing to say
[22:42] sepuko2002: the truth is that you were inconsiderate to me
[22:43] sepuko2002: and you are trying to justify it on the basis that you don't know me well
[22:43] sepuko2002: and that's not going to work
[22:43] sepuko2002: i am sorry
[22:43] sepuko2002: i'd rather you say "i apologize... i have nothing to say... I am at fault"
[22:43] sepuko2002: at least it would sound sincere
[22:45] artistinchains: whatever man i'm not sorry
[22:45] artistinchains: you interrupted my life to talk to me in the first place. i took some time away, got the call, took that, and came back.
[22:46] artistinchains: it's the order i do things
[22:46] sepuko2002: Not with me
[22:46] sepuko2002: I am way too important for this
[22:46] sepuko2002: "BE RIGHT BACK"!
[22:47] artistinchains: eh
[22:49] sepuko2002: Whatever
[22:49] sepuko2002: have a boring life
[22:49] sepuko2002: just like the one you led before me ;)
[22:50] artistinchains: well you haven't presented much of a case i'm afraid
[22:51] sepuko2002: you took that call, remember?
[22:51] sepuko2002: there was no case to present
[22:51] sepuko2002: you don't seem to realize that you're the one who made a choice
[22:51] artistinchains: but if you're claiming to be interesting you haven't given me anything to go on either way
[22:51] sepuko2002: unilaterally
[22:51] sepuko2002: claim?
[22:51] sepuko2002: i know i am interesting
[22:52] artistinchains: ok
[22:52] sepuko2002: so we're clear on that?
[22:52] artistinchains: you seem to be an oddly confrontational person
[22:52] sepuko2002: :))
[22:53] sepuko2002: are there normally confrontational people? And are those better than the odd ones?
[22:53] sepuko2002: tell you what... hold that thought...
[22:53] sepuko2002: let's see what kind of topic interest you
[22:53] sepuko2002: is that fair?
[22:54] sepuko2002: What now? Another call?
[22:54] artistinchains: no
[22:54] sepuko2002: meditating?
[22:54] artistinchains: what's your problem? there's a delay in instant messaging when a person is doing other things as well.
[22:54] sepuko2002: :))
[22:55] artistinchains: i don't just sit in front of the comp talking to one person when i can be doing other things too.
[22:55] sepuko2002: that's what they say when they have 4 or 5 windows open on their screens
[22:55] artistinchains: bring up whatever topic you like
[22:55] sepuko2002: well you have to learn to give me your full attention
[22:55] artistinchains: yes i'm researching current events and the like.
[22:55] sepuko2002: well, I am the event of the day
[22:56] artistinchains: i don't have to learn anything from you. i don't know you as i said.
[22:56] sepuko2002: you'll have something to talk about tomorrow morning..
[22:56] sepuko2002: is there a way to really know someone?
[22:56] sepuko2002: i mean fully?
[22:57] sepuko2002: it's a process
[22:57] sepuko2002: that never ends
[22:57] artistinchains: agreed
[22:57] artistinchains: but i'm not going to know you by instant messaging
[22:57] sepuko2002: this is precisely why some couples divorce after years and years of believing they loved each other
[22:57] artistinchains: and i'm not going to meet a stranger from the web in person
[22:57] sepuko2002: you will know me more
[22:58] sepuko2002: what's wrong with from the web?
[22:58] sepuko2002: you're from the web
[22:58] artistinchains: yep and i'm sure you won't know me either
[22:58] sepuko2002: you're sure of so many things
[22:58] artistinchains: it's not a matter of right or wrong it's just common sense
[22:58] sepuko2002: leave common sense for commoners
[22:58] sepuko2002: and step out of this platitude
[22:58] sepuko2002: Please
[22:59] sepuko2002: you claim you're an artist...
[22:59] sepuko2002: break those chains
[22:59] sepuko2002: or else you're no different from everybody else
[23:00] artistinchains: i don't really know what you're hoping for here other than trying to take some sort of controlling tone with a random person from the internet.
[23:00] sepuko2002: I am not trying to control you
[23:00] sepuko2002: i am just a bit upset you had to deal with me like this
[23:00] artistinchains: there it is again.
[23:00] sepuko2002: i would have hoped you'd say I have to take an important call...
[23:01] sepuko2002: and that it may take some time
[23:01] sepuko2002: not "brb"
[23:01] sepuko2002: and take for ever
[23:01] sepuko2002: having said that
[23:01] artistinchains: why would i need to let you in on my personal life?
[23:01] sepuko2002: we're now talking again
[23:01] sepuko2002: so it really doesn't matter anymore
[23:01] sepuko2002: personal life?
[23:01] artistinchains: what i'm doing, where i am, etc.. has nothing to do with a stranger online.
[23:01] sepuko2002: i didn't ask you anything personal
[23:01] sepuko2002: ok look
[23:02] artistinchains: be right back is acceptable internet etiquette
[23:02] sepuko2002: i really don't want to fight with you
[23:02] sepuko2002: in fact, i chose you from among thousands of people
[23:02] sepuko2002: so why don't we both stop this nonsense?
[23:02] artistinchains: you keep elevating yourself 'I chose YOU' 'you WILL do this and that'
[23:03] sepuko2002: by i chose you, i am more elevating you
[23:03] sepuko2002: why could you not see it that way?
[23:04] sepuko2002: What are you doing now? writing an essay?
[23:04] artistinchains: because of your persistent tone in this conversation. i've dealt with this before with others and it raises warning signals all over the place. if you want to move on to some other topic go ahead but do not keep calling me out and acting like such a jackass.
[23:04] sepuko2002: you need to hit the return button
[23:04] sepuko2002: ok now you're being disrespectful
[23:05] artistinchains: truthful i'd say
[23:05] artistinchains: and i'm sure you know it
[23:05] sepuko2002: you can't be sure of anything
[23:05] sepuko2002: not even of your own existence
[23:05] sepuko2002: so don't kid yourself
[23:05] artistinchains: there it is again. you presume so much.
[23:06] sepuko2002: i dare say that, yes.
[23:06] sepuko2002: and you ought to take that word back
[23:06] sepuko2002: because it doesn't become you
[23:08] artistinchains: what a thing to say to someone you don't even know.
[23:08] artistinchains: how can you even guess at what does 'become me' with so little to go on?
[23:08] sepuko2002: at least it is not offensive
[23:09] artistinchains: presumption isn't offensive, it's what you're doing
[23:09] sepuko2002: i make use of my flair
[23:10] sepuko2002: Let me ask you something...
[23:10] sepuko2002: ok?
[23:10] sepuko2002: well?
[23:10] artistinchains: what?
[23:11] sepuko2002: nothing
[23:11] sepuko2002: forget it
[23:11] sepuko2002: you don't want to have a conversation
[23:11] sepuko2002: you just want a fight
[23:11] sepuko2002: I am out of here
[23:11] sepuko2002: forgive my intrusion
And after a cursory search through the usual forums (Friendster, LJ, Yahoo!, Myspace..) I found his (very lacking) profile on Myspace. 36 year old male from Encino, CA. Definitely fits.
*Sigh* When will these people get a clue?