Nov 08, 2006 22:51

So I voted yesterday, Democrats all down the board baby! Maybe now that we have people who don't want to base the laws in our country around a 3,000 year old book of fables (I just called the bible an old book of fables how hip and edgy is that!) we can do something to snatch this country back from the jaws of madness. This is of course just a pipe dream, in reality even though the democrats have the majority of the house they're still going to be tangled up and rendered useless by this republican president and the opposite would be true if the shoe were on the other foot. More bipartisan bullshit, everything gets stalled in the cogs and gears of bureaucratic nonsense and nothing is truly accomplished.

My favorite example of the conservative madness that our country has been in the grip in for the past 6 years or so has been the President's baffling opposition to stem cell research, maybe this will change now but I doubt it. To me it seems that those opposed to such things as stem cell research are mostly uneducated on the subject and what they're really opposed to is this "straw man" idea of what they think it means. Then there's idiots (Rush Limbaugh *cough*) who love to hear themselves speak so much that they'll spout bullshit on the subject without opening a book or at least considering the possibility of checking with someone who might have read one at some point. After all, why try to appeal to people with things like reason and logic when you can simply use the cheap tactic of appealing to their emotions with scary stories of babies being murdered by those evil scientists so Michael J. Fox can hold that lighter steady so he can light his cigar on a pile of money? Yeah right. This is yet another example of organized religion trying to hold science back, just like it did when someone supposed the world was round, that it orbited around the sun, that gravity exists, that evolution is happening, and all those other things we take for granted as common sense that the church has dubbed as heresy at some point or another.

So what is the deal with stem cell research? For one we're not talking about growing babies just so we can harvest their sweet, sweet stem cells. These are not the byproducts of abortion as most seem to believe, so even if you're opposed to abortion there's no reason to be opposed to this research. These stem cells are a byproduct on in vitro fertilization, something that's been going on for decades now and so far no one has had any moral qualms about. Tons of these embryos are being thrown away each year, wasted when they could be used to improve the quality of life of millions of Americans. It's completely mad! I guess some people are only pro-life before you leave the womb. I remember during this whole Michael J. fiasco one conservative politician claimed that there was no reason for embryonic stem cell research because he had a pal with lung cancer that was cured by adult stem cell research. Right, and apples are a lot like oranges when you think about it!

Well one thing I'm not going to miss now that elections are over are these godawful negative political ads everywhere. It's like these politicians have nothing good to say about their own record so all they can do is smear someone else. There's this especially awful ad that John Bonacic had on the radio where he blasted Susan Zimet for (gasp, get ready for this) voting to keep her state paid health insurance! Wow how incredibly selfish can someone be to want to have health insurance from their job? She's worse than Hitler, worse than a thousand Hitlers! That ad was so retarded it actually made me vote for Zimet. Maybe now we can also stop making mountains out of molehills here. I mean it was incredibly ignorant what Rush said about Michael J. Fox, but I'm not sure it had to be on front page newspapers every day for a week or whatever, especially considering he's not even a politician or running for any kind of office. Ditto on John Kerry, did the republican party really think I was dumb enough to vote for them because a democrat who's not even running said something stupid? This was huge news I think mostly because for once a politician who wasn't the president made a really stupid remark. Yeah I thought what he said was extremely disrespectful but he is just one guy, one guy who I sure as hell hope isn't going to run for president in 2008 because he has the backbone and charisma of a jellyfish. Seriously guys, can't you do better? Can't you find someone intelligent who isn't dry as toast? And no not Hillary please, she's one of those "WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN?" types of democrats that I despise, the ones who want to sand off all the rough edges of the world because you know it's society's responsibility to raise your damn kids, not yours.

Anyhow I guess that's all I can stand to write for the moment, maybe I'll write some more next month when I'm not feeling so lazy.
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