Mar 16, 2005 10:26

*Jumps out of hiding like cheney does regularly* Haha bitches we're going to war again ahahah and theres nothing you can do to stop us!asd long as america is full of Fatass blind-eyed uncompromising psudopatriotic republicans who believe that america is god's gift to the world. I thought the middle east had no reason to hate us before... but congratulations Bush and company, you gave them one...
to make maters worse we basically just delivered an ultimatum to iran which states, and I'm paraphrasing this : "Hey! Aribic Assholes! Fuck you! Stop being Aribic and give up your government for ours oh yeah and give us a shitload of oil for free or so help me god I'm going to sucker punch you in the groin." and now I'm just predicting this now but their response will be along the lines of, again this is paraphrased,: What the? Fuck! No, are you retarted? Go the hell away, we didn't do anything. then the americans will send another message back that basically says: Fuck you! you're a terrorist aren't you! Yeah! a terrorist and you have weapons of mass distruction don't you! I know you do. So your ass is geting invaded! It's go time!
and Iran: What the fuck?!?!?

then america will send a guy to the UN and say: They have Weapons of Mass destruction! they can't have toys like that!
UN: prove it.
USA: look at these pictures! as we were coming in to inspect this site there was a truck leaving that obviously had nuclear and or chemical weapons in it
(france whispers to spain): someone should tell him thats an Icecream truck... that has icecream in it
USA: See that right tere! the cone and what appears to the untrained eye as strawberry ice-cream is actually the symbol for nuclear/chemical/biological weapons
France: (to spain: fine I'll do it) THat looks just like an ice-cream truck and...
USA: Fuck you France! I hate you so you don't matter! and you have no idea what you're talking about.
Britan: As I am honour-bound to help you because you saved me during both WWI and WWII I will help you... blasted honour.
Rest of UN: you're stupid USA and if I had any real balls I would stop you but... fine you do what you want.
and thats whats going to go down
the first step has already been taken as I said... so here we go
oh and after Iran it's going to be syria , just to let you know
*jumps around crazy like the Vice president* we're going to war bitches and we're going to be at if for a looooong time!*runs back to hiding*
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