Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. My review, with spoilers

May 18, 2011 15:30

So, I saw it this morning.

I didn't like it. Objectively, the movie is better than the last one (not difficult, you will say ) but in the other movies, at least, I cared about the fate of all the characters, even those that I didn't love particularly, and even when I had read all the spoilers before going to see it. As a result in spite of all the bad things in AWE, I can't dislike this movie. With OST, I never cared about the story and the majority of the characters: action scenes are more numerous, shorter, and arrive more regularly, so the passing is never too slow, but  I just didn't feel concerned, so I was bored and it was not happened with the other movies.

Sets are luxurious, the  landscapes magnificent as well as the Queen Anne's Revenge , but nothing. Ian McShane, as I expected , is a great Blackbeard, without any humanity. We believe a moment that at least he cares about his daughter, well, not as much as his own life. On the other hand, in the french version his voice reminded me the voice of the mayor in Spin City and Frasier's father in Frasier. As a result, it was a little less terrifying. Globally I didn't care about the new characters.  Penelope Cruz is very good, her character has many great lines, but I didn't care about her problems. And Philip and Syrena, help! They are cute, but honestly. Their story takes less screentime than Will and Elizabeth'story, what can appear a good thing for those who didn't like this couple, but as a result, we would  have been able to do without it. At least, Will and Elizabeth, if they had nothing original, had a understandable relationship. There: " Oh, you are so beautiful ", " and you, you are not as the other men ", " Are going to establish us in Foolishness-city! " Their last scene would have been very poetic if the couple  was credible, but unfortunately, they are not. As for the supporting roles, we have  once again a good crew (with the inevitable Bronson Webb) and I loved Scrum, who is a bit the funny character but without the heaviness of the duet Pintel / Ragetti. As for the known characters we have only Jack, Teague, Gibbs, Barbossa, Groves and Gillette. Groves and Gillette were the only characters about whom I worried. Well, I was right.

In the beginning it was good: Groves is called by his name for the first time! Yeah! I was afraid that Gillette hadn't lines at all, but he makes fun about Barbossa's leg. Yeah! That is our good old snarky Gillette! Good, isn't it? Then they are killed. Frankly if the writers made them come-back rather than taking two new anonymous officers, it's because they were conscious that Groves and Gillette had a fanbase even modest, no? Then why to kill them? WHY?

Jack is as usual. Thus if you didn't grow tired of  Jack Sparrow, it's OK, otherwise, it's not. As for me, he doesn't still get on my nerves (some lines or facial expressions amused me) but I don't care about him anymore while he was one of my favorite character at the time of the first movie. Gibbs and Barbossa, on the other hand, are great. Gibbs is a little more than the faithful first mate just  there to bring information,  he takes some initiatives, and Barbossa is cool. At the end of the third movie and afterward, when it was question of the Fountain of Youth, I didn't see why it interested Barbossa: the immortality, he has already tried and it wasn't a good experience. Fortunately, he's here to have his revenge on BlackBeard. Geoffrey Rush was in top form, thanks to him.

So I didn't expected much from this movie, but it' s a disappointment all the same even if that is not necessarily connected to the quality of the aforementioned movie with regard to the precedent movies, as I explained it higher.

movies, potc

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