Game of Thrones. 1x05. The Wolf and the Lion

May 17, 2011 09:32

Now we are talking! After the relative disappointment last week, I'm totally conquered by this episode. They kept only the main part for the tournament and we lose the luxurious side of the event with all these knights come from everywhere in the Seven Kingdoms to joust but Finn Jones as Loras Tyrell, The Moutain, Sandor, all of that was perfect. The two actors don't look alike but Finn Jones reminded me Leo Di Caprio during the Dicapriomania period more than ten years ago: young, not very manly but charming with an angelic air. We can understand that a girl as Sansa swoons at his sight!

I read negative reviews about his scene with Renly but it's one of my favorite scenes. They are lovers in the books. It's not so explicit because we don't have their point of view but we could understand that, thanks to the dialogues in particular and GRR Martin confirmed that in interview. And since the beginning of the series it's perhaps the first sex scene (or the second if you count Dany/Drogo when Dany tames her husband) with two willing adults who love each other, where nobody is paid to make love with the other one and who aren't close relatives. Morever it's not just "oh, look at these two guys, they are gay, you know!", the lines bring a lot of information about Renly and allow to understand the decisions which will be his afterward.

The others new scenes between Theon and Roz and Robert and Cersei are also effective from this point of view.

Last but not least Starks and Lannisters stopped glaring at each other and act. The last scene was amazing (Jory!!!). I can't wait the next episode, A Golden Crown. The readers know to what the title refers ;-)

game of thrones

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