Dear Yuletide writer

Oct 13, 2013 13:41

I'll try to make this as unpainful for you as possible -- you've landed yourself a gruesome sort of slasher! You might've noticed that none of my fandoms are in any one genre, so the likelihood that we crossover on more than one small fandom is pretty low. If you're not a slasher, I'd *really* like to apologize, because I play loose and easy with the slash glasses.

Wild Wild West: I love Jim and Artie. I love their interplay, I love their chemistry, I love their on again off again man-whoring, and I even love the bucket elevator. Even if it's the lamest steam-punk like moment ever. It's still great.

But I really crave somewhat historically accurate portrayals of their day to day lives in the midst of wacky steam-punk wonderment. I don't need high plot and adventure, just some of those interesting moments that would've occurred in period for them. Slash is great, but so's gen. There's never enough fic for this fandom.

Boardwalk Empire: The New York Gang: A.R., Meyer, Lucky -- Alternate universe, slash, gen, mixed mess, whatever, your dream of what you wish had happened with them, go wild. I love these three characters, and there's so much potential for stories about their interactions and their relationships. Tell me a story that hasn't been told.

Lucifer: I loved the portrayal of Lucifer in Sandman -- but I also love Lucien, Cain and Abel, Duma, Duma's less silent complaining buddy, Mazikeen, etc etc. Lucifer interacting with any of them. I'm easy and just love the world and those characters. Lucifer's machinations are gorgeous and heavy myth is always a win for me.

A Study in Emerald: The mix of horror, unthinking, incomprehensible horror, mixed in with reality is exciting to me. What other tasks do Moriarty and Moran undertake for the queen? (And what do their personal lives look like as Moriarty continues to align himself with the forces that drive their world?)

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