Kink Bingo Blackout 2012

Jan 01, 2013 11:26

(Hahaha, so far behind on posting)

tzi &
fandoms: Sherlock, Harry Potter, DC Comicsverse, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Red Dragon, Stargate Atlantis
kinks: Obedience, Writing on skin, masters doms subs and slaves, Genital Torture, food, electricity, painplay other, Tattoos, watersports, possession marking, humilation: verbal, Oral, Animal Play, Vehicular, shaving, Anonymous, gangbang, pegging, mirrors, authority figures, uniforms, bodily scretions, pervertibles, guro, Wildcard:virginity.
Fanwork type: Fic only

Because I said so (Harry Potter, Severus Snape/Draco Malfoy, Obedience)
Summary: He knew he hadn't yet been forgiven for making Severus beg. Not that it was a grudge or that Severus was really actually angry, because anger and plotting were two separate things. It was just a sense, an idea, and if Draco had learned nothing else during the war, he had learned something reasonably like patience.
Content notes: No content notes.

Inscription (Harry Potter, Severus Snape/Draco Malfoy, Writing on Skin)
Summary: He supposed that there were many reasons he had chosen the path leading to his current life. That was unquestionably one of them. There were others, but the fact that he felt more secure when he wasn't fully standing on his own two feet was very likely first on that list.
Content notes: No content notes.

Always like This (Sherlock, Sebastian Moran/Jim Moriarty, Master Doms Subs and Slaves)
Summary: "Lovely place you have." There was a faint lilt to it, and that was charming, as well. "I suppose I can become accustomed."

"I suppose you might, if you don't set it on fire," Bastian drawled, locking the door behind him. He could, no would run. "I read your dossier. I have a feeling they left out a few... hundred pages."
Content notes: Potential Dubious consent. No other content notes apply.

Wax and Wane (Harry Potter, Severus Snape/Draco Malfoy, Genital Torture)
Summary: Sometimes, he just wanted to hurt. It wasn't all that easily explainable, and maybe there was no point in even trying to do so. For a while, pain had been the only solid proof that he was still alive and not buried in the depths of some unknowable hell, and so Draco just... needed something sometimes.
Content notes: No content notes.

Tapas (Harry Potter, Severus Snape/Draco Malfoy, Food)
Summary: Teasing bastard. Seductive, bothersome, extraordinary bastard, and Draco chewed and swallowed, licking away the taste and shivering when one hand came to rest on his hip.
Content notes: No content notes.

Closed Loop (Sherlock, Sebastian Moran/Jim Moriarty, electricity)
Summary: He found himself with his hands cuffed together and his ankles cuffed to opposite sides of the bed while Jim stood over him with a small blue device, a look of nearly demonic glee written in the quirk of his eyebrows, the brutal twitch of his smile. "Well, well."
Content notes: No content notes.

Dangerous Games (DC Comicsverse, Lex Luthor/Kon-El, Painplay: Other)
Summary: The thing was that being invulnerable... sometimes it deadened sensation, just enough that it made things difficult. Maybe it didn't work that way for Kal but things were different for Kon. The TTK spread flatly over his skin and he had to think pretty hard to thin it out, make things truly feel.
Content notes: No content notes.

Transitioned (CSI: Crime Scene Investigation; Red Dragon, William Graham/Greg Sanders, Tattoos)
Summary: He pulled at Greg, forwards and down, manhandling him gently and keeping him face to face as, okay, Will sat down. Funny, more or less, and he was talking to the guy with the tattoo equipment in a way that seemed almost belligerent.
Content notes: Potential Dubious consent. No other content notes apply.

Shudder and Squirm (Sherlock, Sebastian Moran/Jim Moriarty, Watersports)
Summary: Sometimes, someone else had to control him. Just for a while, just long enough to get him focused, to maybe come out the other side of it. And if that meant taking him along for an observation job, that was what Bastian had to do. The fact that it made him twitch every time Jim moved, well. That was just something he had to live with.
Content notes: No content notes.

Sting when you bleed (Sherlock, Sebastian Moran/Jim Moriarty, Possession/Marking)
Summary: Bastian had scars. There were rather a lot of them because he had never been all that afraid of getting hurt. Getting hurt was just a fact of life. It was something that happened, something that was going to happen, and he had learned that at a very early age. If he wanted to live life in a way he was comfortable with, he was going to have scars, and lots of them.
Content notes: No content notes.

Seven Dirty Words (Sherlock, Sebastian Moran/Jim Moriarty, Humiliation: Verbal)
Summary: "Don't act ashamed now," he continued, quietly, gathering breath because he needed to concentrate to keep himself from shoving Jim onto the sofa and getting them both arrested with ASBOs. "If you're willing to go down on your knees in an alley, it's not really a big secret."
Content notes: No content notes.

His to Take (Sherlock, Sebastian Moran/Jim Moriarty, Oral)
Summary: Hands were not allowed, hands were for other nights, nights when Jim didn't want to be blown for fucking ever and he shifted, grunting beneath the silken caresses of lips and tongue.
Content notes: No content notes.

Softening Mood (Harry Potter, Severus Snape/Draco Malfoy, Animal Play)
Summary: All to the good. He liked being petted, regardless of the circumstances. He liked being petted by Severus, liked the way his long, stained fingers lingered reverently against his skin, liked the added side to side motion that touch took on when he had ears and a tail.
Content notes: No content notes.

Reigned In (Sherlock, Mycroft Holmes/Jim Moriarty, Vehicular)
Summary: Mycroft had once water-boarded a suspect in the back of a Jaguar 308-- strapped him in with his legs against the back of the seat, head down in the footwell, and had the driver go down a very poorly constructed country road. All he'd needed was a liter of water, and it all had cleaned up so very well. He had an affinity for his vehicles, but the current BMW was a special favourite for luxury.
Content notes: Rape. Strong on-going non-consensual themes. Violence. No other content notes apply.

Scruff (Red Dragon, William Graham/Molly Graham, Shaving)
Summary: When she had his jaw as wet as she seemed to like, she raised the can, squeezing the trigger. The sound of compressed air and foam seemed silly to her and she laughed, leaning in to kiss him. "You're furry. I like it better when I can see your face."
Content notes: No content notes.

Night's Relief (Sherlock, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Sebastian Moran/Greg Sanders, Anonymous)
Summary: The best part of a mutual one night stand was that it never left Greg feeling slutty. Two people got together for great sexy times and had waffles for breakfast and went their separate ways early enough that there was still a lot of time left in the day.
Content notes: No content notes.

Relentless (Sherlock, Sebastian Moran/John Watson, Others/John Watson, Sebastian Moran/Jim Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes & Jim Moriarty enjoying the view, Gangbang)
Summary: "I can do anything I want?" He circled around Watson, and crouched down to untie the necktie. "Christ. I'm going to turn you into a begging cumslut, Captain."
Content notes: Violence. Dub con. No other content notes apply.

The old in and out (CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Greg Sanders/Morgan Brody, Pegging)
Summary: Twelve years in Vegas and he'd had serious relationships and not so serious relationships, but this one... well. This one was something else altogether. It was serious in a comfortable way, despite the One Step Out of Line And Daddy Might Fire His Ass issue that he tried hard not to think about. The fact that her relationship with her father had its rough edge helped, even when they tried new and interesting things.
Content notes: No content notes.

Mirror's Edge (Sherlock, Sebastian Moran/Jim Moriarty/Richard Brook, Mirrors)
Summary: "Can I get my wrists undone?" Richard huffed a breath, but Jim's hands were warm on Bastian's wrists, letting him loose, letting him free. He rolled over when he got the chance, shooting a look at Jim's brother. It took him a moment to pay attention to what Jim was saying, and it was only because he could see the delight on the face of that son of a bitch.
Content notes: Violence. Mild dub con. No other content notes apply.

Tidy Up (Harry Potter, Severus Snape/Draco Malfoy, Authority Figures)
Summary: No matter how old he got, the reaction was always the same. Immediate and heart-pounding, faintly guilty, maybe, and a little bit worried that he'd done something for which he was about to get caught.
Content notes: No content notes.

Welcome to the Gun show (SGA, Rodney McKay/John Sheppard, Uniforms)
Summary: Rodney McKay had never been particularly fond of guns. They were useful, and they should clearly be in the hands of professionals, and all right, yes, he wasn't exactly a pacifist. He liked explosions far too much ever to be anything but a gleeful warmonger in his own enjoyed-being-employed kind of way. Even if his aim had its moments of... lowered quality, there was no reason he couldn't appreciate the visuals of a gun. Of the way a thigh holster bunched up a man's tactical pants, highlighting all the best parts.
Content notes: No content notes.

Damp Tracks (CSI: Crime Scene Investigation; Red Dragon, William Graham/Greg Sanders, Bodily Secretions)
Summary: They'd been at it for hours, since morning, really. He'd made breakfast, they'd sat on the patio for a while playing with Frank, the latest in a long line of good-natured mutts he'd picked up from the local pound, and then he'd gotten one hell of a better idea and they'd gone inside so that he could play with Greg instead.
Content notes: Potential Dubious consent. No other content notes apply.

Screwed Up (Sherlock, Sebastian Moran/Jim Moriarty, pervertibles)
Summary: Sebastian liked Mrs. Bhamidipati. She taught Jimmy (over and over) how to make interesting breakfast foods that they tried to recreate on weekends, made sure he had a good healthy lunch, did his physio in the mornings, and gave a damn precise report of the day at the end of every day. "He's in his bedroom again," she told Bastian, nearly done packing up her activity bag, the library books she read when Jimmy decided he would rather sleep in the middle of the day than play games because his head hurt.
Content notes: Potential consent issues and conflict -- one character has impaired mental capacity, and a reluctant partner caretaker. No other content notes apply.

Washed in Blood (Sherlock, Red Dragon, William Graham/Sebastian Moran/Jim Moriarty, Guro)
Summary: He hadn't meant to kill quite so soon, but his hand had been forced with the scuffle; still, his urges felt high in his throat, wound up tight as he relaxed in his seat at the theatre, scanning the stage, scanning the audience during intermission.
Content notes: Non-con. Extreme violence. No other content notes apply.

Matter over Mind (Sherlock, Sebastian Moran/Jim Moriarty, Virginity)
Summary: While he was ridiculously sore, he was also blissfully aware of something he hadn't known before -- that pleasure might mostly be in his head, but there was also a hell of a lot of power in the physical.
Content notes: No content notes.

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red dragon, dc comicsverse, harry potter, stargate atlantis, csi: crime scene investigation, sherlock

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