Where's the filler?

Aug 02, 2008 21:01

Wow, I just ran through my friends page - and hey, don't take this the wrong way, cause back-atcha - and my friends all have lives!! Egad! Bring back the frivolity! Where's the manip picspam?! The squee?! I only saw maybe 2 fics for pete's sake?! LOL

Probably the joy of the end-of-the-year gearing up. At least for me, I know I've got maybe 2 months left before it all goes insane. Hopefully in a good way. (meaning $$$$)

All I can say on the fannish-front is, have I just lost my slashy goggles, or are they just trying to kill any J/R this season? Not that they aren't friends and all, but I've just started off this season with a weird vibe. Maybe I need to lay off the fic. Seriously. I think subconsciously I just expect certain things after reading fic, that let's face it, will never be there. It didn't *ruin* "Buffy" for me, totally, but it came close. I really don't want to loose the giddy joy of watching "Atlantis" because of the AU in our collective heads. Though, on that note, I thought Friday's episode *rocked*. Despite the snippy J/R stuff (IMO).


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