(no subject)

May 30, 2008 19:01

*grabs a dictionary*
Oh look, theres my picture under "Gullible"
*shakes head* *grin*

So we were all at lunch, about to go back to work, and had been talking about Big Brother.. The boss (Rod) was there and said he watched BB coz he studies people.. talk happened then he said he could read minds too.. I didn't believe him so he said he would prove it.

He ripped a napkin (didn't have paper around) into 6 pieces. 3 for me, 3 for him.
Rod: I'll ask you 3 questions and I will write down what you think.
Me: Ok.
R: What primary school did you go to?
Me: *thinks 'Kelston'*
R: *writes down something, folds paper, puts to the side*
R: What was it?
Me: Kelston
R: *writes down Kelston on one of my 3 pieces*
At this stage we had an audience.. nearly the whole team was there..
R: Ok.. ummm.. what was your first car?
Me: *thinks Excel* [was laughed at later because my 'frist' car is still the car I drive now :)]
R: *writes down something, folds paper, puts to the side*
R: What was it?
Me: Excel
R: *writes down XL on one of my pieces*
R: Umm.. lets make this an easy one.. Choose a number, one or two
Me: *thinks two*
R: *Writes something down, folds paper, puts to the side*
R: Ok, I'll just shake these around and you can read them
R: *hands me his pieces*
Me: *opens first piece* XL. *blinks, amazed*
Me: *opens second piece* TWO *surprised again*
Me: *opens third piece* KELSTON *Shocked!*.
Me: *to Rod* How?? How would you know where I went to primary school??
R: *laughs and walks away*
Me: *goes back to work in shock* *to Rod* Now I have to watch what I think around you :)

Yep, me gullible *nodnod*. Later, after Rod had left, Johnny told us the truth.. he fell for it too the first time, but has been working with Rod long enough to know all his "jokes".

Though, it still makes me smile thinking about it now *grin*

mind reading boss.

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