Nov 23, 2005 19:39
So, once again I fail to update nearly enough. I've got so much to tell and complain about too. I don't even know where to begin. I could tell the girl story, but I tell too many of those already. Besides, I'm supposed to make myself appear to be a "guy" and not care what girls think of me, right? I guess I've just got the sensitive gene. Darn heredity. Anything I say about the situation would just A.) Make me sound like a whiney little baby B.) Take way too long and C.) Put me in a bad mood. I will say this though... of all the shitty girl stories I've related before, this one is the #1. But enough of that shit.
So, I'm done with the movie, finally. I hated that gripping stuff. I have ADD. Now, Im taking acting classes from Crispin Glover's dad. Thats an interesting 4 hours of my week. Yeah, 4 hours. I also conned my way into a Taco Bell commercial audition. Didnt get a call back apparently, but at least I had an audition right?
You know, when I started writing this, I was under the impression that it was going to be really long and that I was going to catch everyone up on what Ive been doing and go into detail on the acting class and audition thing, but now that I get into it, Im really just kindof tired. I've just been in an irritated mood lately. I just spent the last month working so its not like I dont have any money, but now that I DONT have a job and Ive only gone on one audition and Im not doing anything (even though it IS the holidays) I feel like Im just being lazy. After Thanksgiving, I really need to like start running and looking for a real job and maybe working out and eating better.
And you know, about the whole girl-who-I-wont-name thing, I dont think she actually understood what she was doing. Maybe she did, but maybe I should have called her on it since she did have a boyfriend. I know, I know... but believe it or not, I actually believed she would break up with him. And I have reasons for thinking that which I don't want to get into. I should really just shut up because I'll end up telling the whole story and that won't be good. Just giving small bits of information is confusing and presents the wrong idea. You know what would be awesome is if someone commented on this about how its her loss and everything haha. That would cheer me up. Not that I need to be cheered up necessarily. Im cheery. Just... overly bored and able to think about things way too much. And I dont get out enough to meet new people/girls. I spend way too much of my day NOT working on things I should be doing. I need to get into the habit of doing those things and making myself do them, because even though Im not "employed" its still a job and at the moment Im my own agent and manager and I have to make myself realize that no one is going to call me up and ask me to audition for anything except myself. Well, after Thanksgiving. I mean, you know, realisticly.