Mar 13, 2008 03:24
Bill O'Reilly, you are a sad and pathetic excuse for a human being. Not only should you be considered a sexual predator, you are not an American. The authentic Americans that I have known and loved throughout my life were open to criticism and accepting of their faults. Bill O'Reilly, on the other hand, you refuse to accept yourself as incorrect unless a scandal arises as a result of one of your inane yet often outrageously offensive statements. Take the recent Michelle Obama lynching party statements. It is ridiculous that Don Imus makes one satirical racial comment and he is removed from operation, yet after all of your feuds and downright racist, uninformed, and/or completely false tirades, you remain on the air. The only reason you remain in production is the unbearable fact that there are, quite shockingly, Americans like you. People who turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to what's really happening in the world. Your fans simply want to hear a thoughtless opinion. We can only hope that you lose your $9,000,000 per year social commentary position and live like a real American, struggling from paycheck to paycheck trying to make a living. Get a legitimate job, you pitiful cave of existence.