Dec 11, 2005 09:48

Stole this from John.

Year in review. Take the first sentence (or two) of the first entry of each month. If the first entry is a survey or something, just use the next one.

JANUARY 8, 2005: just for the record...amanda calls brittany's phone last night around 230AM while we were playing disney scene it at ross's house for david's birthday, and i answered and this is the conversation we had:

"are you sitting down?"


"i am now."

"oh my God..."

"what's wrong?"

"Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston got a divorce!!!"

February 4, 2005: So I've just been busy lately, but really doing nothing new. I should be trying to get off book for something rigth now...probably Pyrates only because Ms. B is down our throats about getting off book.

March 2, 2005: is there any point to being bitchy only for the sake of being a bitch? c'mon, people. really. chill the fuck out.

April 10, 2005: so i don't have very much to say but i felt like updating. spring break is over in a good less than 6 hours. i am oh so sad. i never want to go back to school.

May 3, 2005: well...it's over. finally. i think it was a success. i feel very good about it all. it seems like we worked on it forever and then all of a sudden it was here and gone. but everyone who saw it had really nice things to say (at least to our faces they did) so that was rewarding.

June 1, 2005: why am I awake right now?

July 1, 2005: all my bags are packed, and I'm ready to go! (I wish I knew the rest of the words to "Leaving on a Jet Plane" because if I did I would sing them to you!) But I finished packing everything for New York, and we are going to UPS later on to ship it all since we can't have our luggage on the plane or the bus.

August 3, 2005: GREETINGS FROM NEW YORK!!!

I miss everyone so much but I am having such a good time here with my family in the city.

September 12, 2005: I hate starting off the week badly. I had a pretty good day in school for it being a Monday and everything. English was easy as usual, then my day got a little difficult when I was supposed to meet my friend Alaina after first period and walk to YPAS with her, except it took me longer getting through the halls because I either was continually stuck behind the annoying couples of people who waddle down the hallway and push each other back and forth (and you can't really get around them for fear of getting knocked into one of them) or stuck behind the kids in the wheelchairs who can only go so fast because we basically have big gold speed bumps in the halls to slow them down.

October 7, 2005: so career day went really well for me today. i am very pleased and actually now very excited about applying, auditioning more, and soon actually going to college.

November 9, 2005: SHOCKER!

No, not that kind of shocker. It's such a shocker that I finally have time to update on here. I didn't know what was going on today or what to do with myself when I didn't have to go to rehearsal after school.

December 11, 2005: Stole this from John.
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