Nov 25, 2005 09:19
so it's the morning after THANKSGIVING and i don't feel as full as i would wish to be (i am so ready to eat leftovers for lunch!) and on this day when most people are going crazy at the mall, i will be spending my day at my house finally trying to clean my damn room. about once a month, my mom forbids me from going anywhere until my room is completely clean, and this has been going on since, like, way before last summer. and i never have gotten it completely clean - but i know that today will be the day!
and i must be the only person left on the face of the planet who has not seen RENT. we were supposed to go last night but it got kind of late and then no one felt like going, so we have rescheduled for sunday night. if that doesn't work, i might have to abandon my family and go see it without them. even though that would make me feel bad...but i NEED to see it soon.
oh, yeah...SUCK IT!
and PS: have you ever heard anyone with a lisp try to tell you the show is called "Seussical The Musical." it's very funny. think about it.