Nov 10, 2009 06:50
So, I kind of expected I was going to get sick. My girlfriend having had a minor and obnoxious cold going on. Of the just minor enough to not cancel weekend plans and then sort of wish you had variety...
I did nothing on Sunday hoping to outrest the sick before it got started. Felt fine when I went to bed, woke up with some very minor symptoms. Being such a giver I decided that I should tough it out since it was an Elementary school day and they only get like 9 visits a year. It was also an afternoon with kindergardeners day. Those places only get 2 visits a year and this school had flaked out on their first and sent the kiddies home before I got there. So I thought they deserved to have me put up with a little sick.
The elementary school was of the take-it-easy variety having only 2 classes for me to teach instead of the possible 4 some of the other schools would have capitalized on. I was greatful for that. I took care of myself the best I could drinking tea and water and staying warm. I also wore one of those crazy paper masks the Js are all obsessed with. I suspect they don't work all that well, but every little bit helps I suppose.
Anyways, they asked if the mask was for 'prevention' so I explained to them that I had a slight cold and nothing to fret over. They loaned me a thermometer and sure enough I had no fever.
Classes went fine. I even got some study in between times. But my symptoms got steadily worse. After lunch I took my temp again and found 1 degree fever. So it was decided it would be best to not go to the kindergarden and to maybe see a doctor. Three hours of waiting around later I found out that my fever had knotched up to 38.3 and that even though I did not test positive for flu that's what he thought it was.
I should keep my fluids up and rest. First I needed to bring my bed down to the first floor so that I wouldn't kill myself getting to the bathroom in the night...
Long story short, there were some rather rough spots and it got worse before it got better. My fever made it up to 38.9 at one point. The thermometer screen came out of my armpit all steamy. But around midnight it broke and now it's gone all together.
So, lesson learned. All those times I stay home sick, but don't feel that my symptoms are really all that bad, it's so they don't get aggrivated.