more special effects!!!
and John. and Rodney. and Zippy. I feel like they're trying to suggest some sort of OT3.
Oh John I love your facial expressions.
Hahaha that metaphor. John. lols.
yay camera pans back and forth between my boys.
woo! replicator!Weir! I'm just going to keep saying that every time she shows up. And then everybody else can take a shot.
good job, John.
oh John. with your soft soft voice. and your denial.
yays! leader!Teyla! and Teylaish music for a sec.
I swear, every time I hear Rodney's voice, it sounds higher pitched. so weird.
haha glare of doom!
Ronon actulaly looks quite nice in an entire shirt.
hahaha that was a funny special effect with the jumper coming out of the tower and the broken condom of the shield.
sit here next to me! shotgun!
wooo warp-capable shuttle! I mean...
does this mean we get to keep Bill too?
lols 'that's a game I play.' they're ALL geeks. take a picture. good idea. Lol.
only enough power for one way! heh John and Ronon have parallel eye-rolls.
hahahahahahha nothing, just sit there, it's completely wireless. just let me know if something pops into your mind.
that is so cool. replicator!Weir! everyone drink!
that graphic doesn't actually match what she's describing, imo.
she's awesome this way. I want to keep her.
radio, is that a good idea?
I can't tell if this is one of John's oh-creepy-xenophobic expressions or if he's worried he'll never see her again.
hahaha 'can we go now.' he's getting more O'Neill-like, I think.
hahahahhahahahhaha. 'hold up, chewy!' apparently he accepts this now.
ooooh. it's so creepy him rooting around in their base code.
well if they couldn't control them and deactivated it, then reactivating it isn't a good idea.
doesn't she know when it could be?
heee Ronon's all learning.
haha run fast enough.
there are so many pictures of John staring ahead at the screen.
heh Rodney, still socially not all there.
'space is quite vast.'
but like...couldn't they shoot ENERGY weapons at them? I guess it's real close to the city.
hahahahhahahahahahha PENETRATE! Penetrate? Penetrate!
oh Rodney, programming on the fly.
Hahahaha big old cable. But what if it doesn't plug in? Ahh. Ancient tech.
John slings the screen over his shoulder like a purse.
I wonder if Elizabeth is going to be, like, the Ford who doesn't get away.
'make sure to stay behind the screen!'
uh oh. maybe they turned it off?
haha the right slot.
haha pull it out and plug it in again.
they could have left Ronon behind in the jumper with Elizabeth.
hahahahahahaha programmer technobabble..
this is not simple! lols.
John's endearingly baffled expression.
they should keep workin' on the core.
maybe she's out of range. haha run a diagnostic. oh, now John knows what to do?
haha let me poke you in the forehead.
oooh Elizabeth, QUEEN of the Replicators! DOUBLE shots!
haha don't start with that again.
do they need the tablet back? can't they just leave it, like with nothing else on it?
it's like Carter and Fifth. kind of hot, only not.
hahaha woah they're movin' again
I hope the what's its name ship doesn't come in and rescue them at the last moment.
haha this is familiar. you mean a familiar set?
information! woo!
would have said 'delayed'
haha John's all I don't wanna kneel. or be forehead-fisted.
ooooooh. what did they do? what is this? ooooh. it's replicator!Elizabeth! woo! look at how kick-ass she is now. this is the way she should have been all along, sigh.
I don't understand why the update thingy wouldn't make her want to go attack the Wraith too.
they can't shoot him cause she has nanites too. be careful!
she is so going to be Ford.
aw his hair is extra messy.
I haven't SEEN the zpm.
last minute rescue from the whatsit. sigh. what was the point of any of that?
ooh, new planet with a number.
haha the others are all what! snake? and the Lanteans are all used to it.
too bad they couldn't steal two.
'it never ends with you, you know?' heee. especially these last few episodes.
he could land very slowly with the shield up.
she IS coming in awfully fast.
'ease up on the angle!' *dies*
hahahahahahhahahaha like a leaf kissing the surface of a pond. just like that.
wow. she's buoyant. would have thought she'd have sunk a little.
'nice kissing!'
what is that expression. why is he looking so disturbed like that? why?
ooh preeetttyyy Atlantis on the new planet, all green.
now would be the perfect time for that klepto!weir fic.
'who do you think's gonna replace her?' oh good one, Ronon.
ooh reprogramming the stargate. back on the grid!
woo the attack command worked. I was worried for a sec they'd be going to Earth.
oooooh moons. FIVE! or sort of two.
hahahaha oh god John and Carter.
aw, that ill-advised bridge thing.
they always pull it off. but screw it up anyway.
John's all it is so not time for condolences. stubborn stubborn John. a familiar refrain. and then he finds replicator!Weir and super!Ford shacked up together.