SGA 4x01 Adrift

Oct 05, 2007 23:06

Because it's been too long, and I wasn't able to watch it with wicked_socks. (Socks: Please to watch it now so we can talk about it!)

SGA 4x01 realtime reaction notes:

I still can't really believe it's SGA time.

And I'm basically completely unspoilered, too.

Yays Chuck. Aw.

Maybe they've got like a whale sucking on them.

Hahaha Ronon. Random Doctor. Hahaha.

Ronon's all oh noes my Elizabeth! Since everyone has a crush on Elizabeth.

Dude who are all these people.

Hahaha they took precious seconds to SHOW them going clear, wth?

Oh noes, they're leaking.

Haha they don't finish sentences. They're like twins.

But what if he accidentally turns off the wrong systems?

This Doctor Keller is quite pretty

Her brain is what?

I like the intercutting and the parallelism. I bet there are people who think it's einh but I like it. I liked the 'we're bleeding out' line.

Yay credits! Still trying to get over that it's the new season. Last season's weird split really messed me up. No new credits really still. Except for Amanda Tapping, and isn't that just a great way for us to know exactly what's going on. Okay, there are a few new images at least.

Oh I love the song so. SGA will always be about healing and regrouping, about that time, for me.

Oooh this is interesting. John and Rodney and the chain of command and tension and interesting. Though it should totally have been like 'listen you need a shoulder rub.'

Heh, Lantea.

"Dumb this down anymore, and you're gonna get hit!' Eeeeeeeee!

Oh dear pumping zpms.

Eee, they're so cute.

Saving power? Oh dear run run oh noes. Oh John John oh redshirts oh oh.

Weird to show the doors but not the people. RUN FASTER ZOMG.

Oh Johnnnnnnn.

Oh that special effect.

Snort the text.

Oh John.

Rodney seems to be MORE able to deal with losing people now than John is.

What is that? Okay that's a WEIRD jump in thought process. The weightless to weightless is a bit disturbing.

Heee Bill.

Oh it's the stargate chain link thingy. Which is still a bad idea.

How did the mission go? Light tone. He sounds really odd.

I like this nameless doctor.

Though the way he talks lols. He's like afraid of Ronon. That was HILARIOUS.

Oh that's teh pretty. Meeting in darkness. I mean it's like not anything but the image is still nice. I feel like they don't do that angle much.

Oh man, let's blow the special effects budget in the first episode!

I wonder if I'm missing a part of the picture.

Oh noes, her hair! It was just getting long!

It would be really annoying if she actually had to be in there for shooting that.

Heh, sweeping.

I still think it's funny that they were lost.

Oh good, someone helped Rodney clean up his face.

That was an odd reaction shot.

Aww, Ronon all swaddled in a blanket.

Uh oh.

Poor Dr. Kelley.

Oh John.

This is the John reaction shot episode. Cause he is gonna be in charge!

Is Rodney wearing eyeliner?

Aw. Darn. So much for ecstatic.

Oh dear, asteroid belt. I love this peril on peril format. Classic and easy to watch.

Hahaha 'Rodney!' *gestures at asteroids*

Eee he strokes his stubbly chin.

Hahahaha building size oh dear.

Oops can't get to the chair.

Eee his hands all tucked in.

Oh John he's pretty.

Oh what's the ideaaaaa. Oh they are so cutez.

Do they have enough jumpers for all those people?

Here's the doctor dude again!

Hahahaha 'if McKay can do it, you can do it' 'yes, about that'

hahahahhahaha 'or uh...' 'or DIE!' I love my boooooys.

Apparently, they DO have that many jumpers, wth?

Aw this is kind of sweet, all the scientists trying their best and all that.

Hahahaha geeks. Asteroids. Terrible at it.

And then they all get stuck in the doorway!

Nice footage, though.

Hahahaha John. Good thing he knows how to talk to scientists.

Look at Teyla being all takecharge.

But aren't the fragments just as bad?

Hahaha just concentrate. Oh Rodney.

Oh man.

Special effects liek woah.

Oh he's Chinese! But American-accented.

Hee he's so good at obeying John. Oh noes RODNEEE. RODNEEEEEEEEE. Zomg. I hope John let him fly a lot when they were on missions.

Why didn't he double back himself? I guess he needed to lead.

Haha the shielded tower looks so funny.

I really thought someone would get crunched by an asteroid.

John to Rodney? Yes!

Haha don't say it.


Of course, Rodney blames himself some.

I'm surprised they have momentum when they fall out of hyperdrive.

Oh good, tiny rock bullets. Hee. Aw, Zelenka has to go. Zelenka...and John? Why isn't someone less important than John going? Less important than John and better at technical stuff?

This is such an odd little talk. It's so...conversational. Dr. Kelley's pretty clever. And cute.

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so casually and almost missable, too.



Aw. She wouldn't want anyone risking the city, not even for her. And, aw, Zelenka.


I love Bill.


Oh dear. The buildup to seeing what the damage was! Now they will have to fly across the chasm! I would if their EVA suits have thrusters.

Oh dear. Bullets made of rocks.

Ooh he looked pretty there. Doesn't usually in the suit.

Speaking with scientists is like talking to children.

Hahahaha John's all just matter-of-factly going about it because they have to. And Zelenka's all oh noes when he realizes. He figured out how to do it so quickly!

Hahahaha and he makes a corny joke.

That is kind of awesome. Good thing no bullets came by though.

So just leave the nanites in.

Hahahahaha 'yeah, Sheppard's not gonna go for that.'

Just do it before he gets back. It's what he would do.

Oh those micro-asteroids are freaky. John's making a sketchy expression.

Oh dear, Radek. Though I totally thought that was John.

And oh dear, more special effects.

Aw, Ronon. Mmmm, that shirt. Oh Ronon. Oh this is a lovely bit. Good job, JM. Hahaha 'what did I do?' oh Ronon. He was so gonna give her a little kiss.

doesn't hurt is not good. oh Radek. ah, he made a thing to keep it from leaking. see, should have been two scientists. though I guess another scientist wouldn't have known how to thrown Zelenka.

I love the double laptop working.

half-replicator weir! woo!

hahaha 'well that would take over a million years'

oh the Asgard. *sob*

oh noes they went all the way out there for nothing!

uh oh

oh dear

oh oh oh

oh my boys


Oh oh oh.

Trouble in paradise and oh this is hot. There must be lots of fic for this, but well gosh I don't even have time to read any.

It shouldn't be but oh man. And John you're on THAT side of the thing. And did John just reach for his sidearm.

Oh Elizabeth. She got her hair back!

Eeeeee. 'This is stupid. Us fighting.'

Oh oh oh. Awwwwwwww.


his little smile after Rodney said 'I'm sorry' oh my heart

oh Elizabeth. She's not just selflessly being like this is bad she's also remembering before. I'm so glad things are tied together.

aw Radek. 'well there's not much point sitting in the infirmary waiting to die, is there?'

they'd better bypass that protocol SOON.

hahahaha 50-50

Heee the sound of Rodney clicking his fingers! Before we even see it.

Awwwww. 'the one that almost killed you? yeah'

Oh the love.

Heh two and change.

Hahaha there's a planet out there with zpms? Replicators!


everyone's like woah what omg.

That was so great. I've missed SGA. The whole way the last season was split up was just so bad for coherence and all that. And it's been sooo long. And oh the squee. And I wish I felt like I could write in SGA, but I definitely want to read if I can find the time, though teh fandom's so BIG. It'd be nice to get some fics that are actually related to episodes, though I love the AUs dearly. And John, and Rodney, and everybody, and *happy*.

Of course, it's already SGA night again.

episode reactions, sga

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