thoughts on the day

Sep 30, 2005 23:46

Today I worked among people who were paving. I've never spent any length of time around a job that involves laying asphalt, and I had some thoughts on it (nearly all negative). Only once have I noticed a sustained smell that was as bad as the fumes being put off by the machine that lays the asphalt, and that was in Burlington, New Jersey. For those of you who have never heard me talk about Burlington, NJ before; please understand that it was my own personal Hell. When I die, if I go to Hell, and it turns out to be Burlington, NJ; and Satan himself steps out from behind the one dead tree and shakes my hand and says "welcome," I will not at all be surprised. Well this smell was like that; while it wasn't quite as bad, it was probably 3 times as potent. I almost passed out at one point, and it certainly wasn't because I was tired (although it was possibly a combination of the smell along with the fact that I had no lunch break today). I felt really bad for the people who actually worked for the paving company, I mean they have to work with that stuff every day, and I don't imagine the smell gets any better. I never really thought about what asphalt was made out of before. While I still haven't really studied this to be sure, upon observation it just looks like gravel and tar. It's certainly sticky like tar, I'm not sure that stuff will ever come off of the bottom of my boots.

While I'm on the subject of tar... While I was working and the whole "what is asphalt made of" thought occurred to me, what also occurred to me is "what else is tar in." And the first thing that popped into my head is cigarettes. I have a number of friends who smoke cigarettes. If any of them would like to see the bottom of my boots, they're welcome to. I mean my God, people actually put that stuff in their lungs... willingly?! That's terrible! For the love of God stop smoking! You're killing yourselves! You're my friends and I love you and you're killing yourselves! This saddens me deeply.

Today I also attended the surprise birthday party of a friend of mine (who as far as I know doesn't smoke, may he have many more birthdays) and had a great time. Unfortunately on the way to said party, I got a phone call where I learned that in the massive wind storm we got the other day the large tree in my front yard back in Alburg fell and crushed the phone line and, more importantly, that which the phone line was connected to, which is to say, half the front porch. So tomorrow morning instead of going to the SASS (Salsa and Swing Society) practice session that I've been looking forward to all week, I get to go home and help clear a dead tree. Should be a hell of a time. (Ugh.)

Also today the Red Sox beat the Yankees to pull into a tie for first place in the Eastern Division with said Yankees. There are two games left, both against the Yankees. It should be an interesting weekend to say the least.

On a much more somber note I learned late this evening that the girl-whom-I-Love's cat Asia died (or possibly ran away, I'm a little vague on that). She loved Asia quite a lot to put it mildly, and my heart goes out to her even more than usual. I'm so sorry for your loss.

When I woke up this morning I didn't think I'd have anything to say. Strange what a little piece of Hell will do to you.
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