May 10, 2005 16:38
I like being philosophical and this flows with a current thing. Answer the question if you want I'm just writing to get my mind cleared
Have you ever wondered am I helping or hindering someone by doing or not doing something? Along time ago I was walking down hawthorne when a bum asked me if I had any change. Just coming out of the Avalon I had loads of change. So I gave the man 5 dollars in nickels and he, being more then usually delisonal, thanked me with a smile and a rambling run on sentence. The person at the time I was walking with said you know your probably hurting him more by fueling his drung addictions. It did seem pretty obvious by the man's appearance that he was going to spend the money on beer or whatever cheap thrill he could find. That got me thinking though am I really helping this guy or is my friend right am I making his life worse by giving him money to buy crack etc.
This thought always sends my head spiraling somthing to the effects of this:
"Of course its helping! Giving money to the homeless rocks!"
"but if they're just going to use it to toke up why bother? That doesn't help them at all"
"but its there choice! they can do what they want with there life"
"but drugs are so destructive it would be like giving them money to kill themselves"
"what? drugs are just an escape! they're poor what else do they have at least let them die enjoying themselves"
"but you could send them to a home or rehabilitation instead"
"I don't see you paying for it"
"hey guys sorry to squeze into this convo but what if he wasn't gonna buy marjiuana and booze then the money would be helping right?"
"I guess? but they'll just become dependent on hand outs they'll just come back for more"
"whatever douche!"
*unaudiable arguing*
This entry fits well with the current increase of homeless and Oregon turning into one the highest panhandling cities because of generous Oregonians. but the issue I'm really lookin at is what do you do when it comes to the people you love??? I would have obviously said helping them whenever they need it but today I'm not really sure. I got asked a pretty big favor today which as always I'm willing to do but I don't like how everything could shape out. I haven't said yes or no to this favor but I'll figure it out by tonight. That help/hinder do/don't things going on again.