May 18, 2008 02:37
Ate out with my parents today. Saw one of my cousins. Kind of reminded what a loss my life is. Everyone around me family and/or friend. Has got what appears to be their lives in some kind of order. They're either getting married and starting families or getting their *dream* jobs. Something. Like my cousin I saw today. He's a year younger than me. He got married in Jan. (to a doctor's daughter) and they're expecting their first baby in about 3 weeks. This same cousin...his younger brother whose about 4 or 5 years younger than me is married with a son who is almost 3. Their is Tori who is about 2.5-3 years younger than married in October, and Christy whose also about 2-3 years younger..been married for I don't know how long...has s son about 3 years old. My friend Jordan has been married going on 4 years.
My friend Michelle, who isn't married, but has found her dream job. Doing great it I bet. She's one of those people who is very driven and determined. Also a very mutlitalented person. I wish I could be more like her. I wish I had half the confidence, drive, abmition, passion, talent, determination, dedication etc, that she has. Even just a fraction of it.
Then here I am. 26 y/o..feeling like I"m about 16 and not in a good way. Unemployed, single (still living with my parents) and going no where with life. Lack I ambtion, motivation, drive and talent.
I am such a FAILURE