I'm finally done!

Mar 12, 2008 15:47

With evil exams...except now, I need to work out my Senior project provided I didn't fail any of my exams. XD; [AKA ART HISTORY/all of the rest of them except Mandarin]

Tomorrow I have a busy day... @_@; I wish I could be free so I could see
shiroro and
ryomoki! But I've got a really tight schedule from noon till around 8-9... @_@;...rapidfire attack of Badminton+Art History trip+a grade dinner... *sigh* NO REST.

Mmm... Oh. And on Saturday, I'm planning on going to play Badminton in Queens with my doubles partner [near Flushing--website here and here for the queens branch!]... It's super intense because there are super amazing players there! The admission to play is kinda expensive [$14--but $12 if you get a group of 4 or more at Francis Lewis?]...

...SO it's awesome to watch~ :3 Good experience for those who wanna try the sport out! <3 [Spread the shuttlecock love?!]...and after, we were planning on eating in flushing then hitting up Karaoke! [*cough*...HEY SHIRO, my wifey/Uke-chan says she'll go if you go! NO PRESSURE. XD jk. <3] So anyone who's avaliable and up for badminton/has their own racket or wants to rent one for $3 there, you can see us there from 3:30pm-7:30pm! :3


Edit: XD I forget people actually have work vs me [<--slacker]...Ahem. XD;;

complaining, badminton, exams over

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