Hehe....funny morning

Mar 11, 2008 13:07

So, on the way to school today, I had the luck of sitting next to this totally crazy drunk dude on the subway. His face was completely red--and I was unsure if he was actually crazy or just drunk--but either way, it was pretty funny.

So the first thing I heard through my blazing music was "Hey--you wanna go back to China?" and I was like...WTF inside, because I had no idea what was going on, but then one look at him, and I was like "Oh--just some crazy drunk." So I was all polite and stuff, like "Uhh...no thank you" in my perfect american accent. [probably would 've been more fun if I took off my headphones and went like..."HMMMM? I'm sorry--I don't speak or understand English!" ]

So I was wearing my shorts today even though it was cold, so he kept pointing at my lack of pants and went like "Are you a man or a woman"--and I SMIRKED so hard, even he saw it and went all "What're you doing? I see you smiling--stop smiling!" I really wanted to say something like "Why thank you, I take your confusion as a testament to my amazing ability to be androgenous!"

...But I ignored him instead. XD...He got all offended or something because I was ignoring him, so he was all "Why don't you face me like a man?"[insert my mental LOL here]........but then he looked at me again...went on some weird drunken rant I didn't hear, then I think he said "I think you're a woman"...and I really ignored the urge to go "No shit." XD--I mean, I had a girly scarf--I look kinda like a girl, it should've been proof enough. XD

So I continued ignoring him/I couldn't hear shit through my loud music--but what I heard was along the lines of "Fuckers.....get the hell out of the subway.......fuck off....etc" to various people around  us--there was this unfortunate guy who sat RIGHT next to him, and he kept leaning really close to the poor dude [plugged into an ipod, like me] when I ignored him.

Then he poked me on the arm and was all like "Stop ignoring me--I see you smiling!" [and yeah--who the hell wouldn't? It was pretty hilarious!] So I turned to him, and said in my fakest voice-- "Excuse me, could you please stop that?" and continued ignoring him. The people around us were kinda disturbed, I think... X3; So he kept cursing at the people around us--and then the train pulled into Grand Central--some people around us moved away except for myself and the poor guy sitting right next to this drunk guy. XD A lady got up an stretched, and he made some comment about her--I couldn't hear...and she said "You should be a NICE drunk, not a mean drunk!" and got off the train. XD

THEN the train wouldn't leave the station...and this policewoman stuck her head into the train and  she was all like "SIR, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" and he went all demure and stuff...muttering "I ain't done nothing..." She looked really intimidating and went "SIR, I'M GOING TO NEED TO ASK YOU GET OFF THIS TRAIN--YOU'RE CAUSING A DISTURBANCE"....so he was all mumbly and like....I'm innocent....I ain't saying anything!" [INSERT ME LAUGHING INSIDE] So with a note of finality, she roared "GET OFF THIS TRAIN, RIGHT NOW."...So he had no choice but sorta stagger up and out the car. I had a fucking grin on my face for the rest of the ride. [Oh, all the fun things we could've done if she had let him stay~]

:3 I hope I've shared some of the fun New Yorker experience we all have here in the big apple~
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