Oct 28, 2008 21:23
*takes deep breath in and exhales*
I'm freaking grinding my teeth again... I haven't been grinding since I got the monster chompers so this has me worried. BTW - they come off on the 6th! - One week to go!
And there is confirmation- we got til the 1st of January for sure but after that - no one knows. It's every man(or woman) for themselves, unless you are one of the 'chosen' ones. I'm not going to wait to find out though.
At first this was a very surreal situation. Now I'm ok with it and realize I am in a good position with several possibilities. My photography teacher said he will have a job open in a few months... no resume needed - although he will expect a lot from me. My current boss - runs a salvage business on the side and he is going to take it to "the new level" once he gets the boot. He offered that I work for him. I could make about the same, maybe slightly less working for him but dealing salvage.... lets just say grey areas are where he operates- not sure I want in on it or not.
And then I also have thought of school which I have been round and round about with several colleges trying to figure out what masters degree I want and who from. Took a GMAT class but didn't take the GMAT test when I should have. I'm leaning toward ASU over university of phoenix for an MBA but at the same time - I kinda wish I had an engineering degree. Staying within the auto industry is what I want, but where is still the question.
So much to think about.. oh and my producers license expires on 12-31-08 - if I want to keep it I have to complete 40 hrs of continuing education. 40 hours... and about $1000 in class fees - just to keep a license to sell insurance for one state. I don't think I will keep it - I don't really care to sell the stuff anymore. Unless you own an agency - there really isn't money in selling insurance.