I Need to Mind My Own Business.

Jan 15, 2008 11:28

 I ran into my neighbor lady a couple days ago.  If you’ll remember she’s on probation for drugs.  She was close to falling down drunk and on her way out to the bars to celebrate her birthday.  Several of her friends were along with her, including a guy I know to be a drug dealer.

Me: “Happy birthday!  Don’t get too drunk.”

Neighbor:  “Too late for that honey!”

Me:  “Ok, just don’t get busted”

Neighbor:  Don’t worry honey I won’t!”

It’s not my business.

It’s not my business.

It’s not my business.

It's just difficult to watch a train wreck happen and not do anything.

On the other hand, the house on the other side is coming along nicely.  They’ve painted the porch and started work on the basement.  Last Sunday I was lying around in bed when I heard bulldozers.  I thought that was weird so I slid some clothes on and went outside.  There was a work crew pulling most of the basement apart.  By the end of the day they had it all out and had thrown boards and tarps over it to keep the water out.  Over the last few days I’ve seen them working.

This pleases me.  The house has great “bones” and is over 100 years old.  The fact that they are replacing walls shows a huge commitment to fixing it correctly.  When I was house hunting I found a lot of newly finished basements hiding walls that were ready to collapse.  I can’t wait to see it finished.


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