This amused me greatly:
"I never go fishing without going to Master Bait first!"
Anyhoose, my order from Play-Asia arrived in the mail yesterday. The Xbox Arcade stick feels a lot like the Agetec Arcade stick for the Dreamcast. 'Sall good, since I have one of those two and like it lots. Also, I hadn't realised there is no separate audio out on an RGB Scart, so I dunno how much good this Saturn Scart cable will do me.
Speaking of video game shtuffs, I just bought these off ebay:
2 Saturn Arcade Sticks Hope they're halfway decent . . . but hey, for $0.01 plus $18 S/H can't really complain too much!
Least now, everyone has a stick with which to play the plethora of 2D fighters I have for the Saturn!