Everybody on DA, Everybody who uses anything that requires a DP or avatar or icon, join me in my quest!
Red Nose Day is an event held in the UK every 2 years with the aim to raise money for charity.
How do we do it?
Act as stupid as we can.
It's called Red Nose Day because we buy, you guessed it, Red Noses that we wear on a specific day, which this year is Friday 13th of March.
So, to aid the RND spirit, I’ve started turning all of my friends MSN DPs (and my own!) into pictures that mimic this years Red Nose Day T-Shirt theme - black and white with a red splot over the nose to show the Red Nose!
Help me with bringing the RND spirit to everyone - Everyone, if only for a few minutes, turn your avatars and display pictures and icons and everything to RND pictures and help spread the silliness!