Title: The Journal of an unsuspecting 5 year old
Group: NEWS, KAT-TUN, Kanjani 8
Raiting: PG-13
Genre: Hurt/Comfort ( in a cute way)
Summary: "When his mother saw his small figure come in through the front door with his face covered in dirt, a big bandage on his knee, dirt marks on the fabric covering his elbows, bright red puffy eyes behind his thick glasses and a sniffling nose; her face fell instantly... "I hate school Mama, I never wanna go back!"
A/N: to luna_truths as an apologie for being rude about Jin ( just fell in love w/ him again after 3 years!)
Tuesday May 9
Today did not go well. I lost Nana-chan, my stuffed cat who I go to be with at night. I took her to school for show and tell and then she disappeared. Mama held me when I cried but said these things happen. We tried to look for a new plush at the store but they were not the same as Nana-chan. She was a precious gift from Papa on my 2nd birthday. I did not pick out a new toy but cried on my way home.
Before I lost Nana-chan in the afternoon, Erika-chan found the charm Ryo-chan was going to give her, in the morning.
She came to my house and I was packing my bag for school, putting Nana in, when the charm fell out of my bag. She asked who it was for. I said her. She hugged me and thanked me loudly. Ryo-chan was going to be very unhappy.
I forgot about ti during school. Kazuya-kun and I played with Yoona-chan and Haruka-chan. We played hair salon. Yoona-chan and Haruka-chan really like Kazuya-kun’s hair so they wanted to play with it. We had lots of fun. Kazuya-kun laughed a lot. Then Hiroki-kun wanted to play too because Kazuya-kun was laughing a lot.
After lunch we went outside to play with the big kids. I saw Erika-chan and she was wearing the charm like a necklace. She told everyone that I gave it to her. She told Ryo-chan too. He was very angry. He shoved me hard to the ground. I scrapped my elbow. Then he threw a rock at me head. It did not hurt since it was a small rock.
“I hate you.” He said and ran away. He was crying. I felt sad too. Erika-chan gave me a hug and said he was just a mean bully. I still felt sad.
When we went inside, it was show and tell time. Yuya-kun brought his soccer ball. Haruka-chan had her favourite doll and Kusano-kun had his shoes that he uses for dance. They were special. They were not running shoes. They were really cool.
When I went, Aragaki-sensei looked really surprised; she said I talked very well. It made me not sad any more about Ryo-chan.
When we were done we had to put our show and tell back in our bags before our lesson. I made sure I put Nana-chan away but at the end of the day she was not there.
Someone must have taken Nana-chan. I wish they would just give her back to me. She’s not even a new toy. Why would someone take her away from me?
(to be cont'd...)