Notes of interest.

Jul 08, 2006 23:05

Rehabilitation is going well. I might even be looking at a release in the next day or two, under the conditions that I not strain myself too much. Thank goodness. Not to brag, but I'm pretty patient and can handle being in closed quarters for long periods of time. This, however, is something I don't wish to repeat.

I hear Aki's back from his mission and also somewhere here in the hospital. I can actually get around alright now so I'll go looking for him I guess. Man. What's with all the guys ending up in the hospital? Kunoichi just have all the luck right now it seems. Heard he's looking like hell. (But that's not always saying much...)

And Rin, thanks again for the new pain-killer and the shaving kit. You are my hero. (i.e. I owe you a drink.)


So Asuka's rejoined ANBU. ...Don't know why the hell this pisses me off so much, it's her funeral life. And she's right, it's not like she's weak or incapable. Hell, I hate to admit it but she's better than me in lots of ways as far as the ninja arts go. And it's not like she's really in more danger than before or has a vastly greater risk of running into big trouble. Jounin get missions like that ALL the time, and jounin often get to go solo. It's just............. ugh.

Gods, why is this bothering me so much? What the hell is so important about rejoining ANBU anyway? Restocking forces, right. Senior ninja training the rookies, sure. It sounds all good, but it's not all necessary. It's just......... stupid.

Why her?

...I'm not just trying to convince myself, am I......?


Team 8, how about we all go out to eat when I get out of here to celebrate my recovery and a belated birthday for Kiba? I hear I have a belated birthday gift of my own to pick up too...

[Hinaji Only]

Hey, come see me. I'd like to talk with you before the team gets together.

[/Hinaji Only]

[Hiashiko Only]

Hiashiko-sama, I'd like to request an audience with you at your earliest convenience after tomorrow afternoon.

[/Hiashiko Only]

hostpial, hinaji, aki, team 8, anbu, rin, asuka, hiashiko

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