Progress Report.

Jun 17, 2006 17:18

Hear ye, hear ye. I was finally able to sit-up today. HALLELUJAH.

So..... in the professional opinions of the medics out there, how soon are we thinking I can get out of bed? Even if it's in a wheelchair, I don't care. Look, I can stay hours on end indoors and even in the same room, but a whole week of it is beginning to drive me nuts. Change of scenery please?

As some of you may also have noticed, I'm much more coherent. While still on pain-killers, they no longer have me in a "loopy" state all the time. (Okay, sometimes still, but there's this nice window of time where I'm nearly my old self--just unable to stand or sit up for extended periods of time.) I'm not sure if this is because they've changed my medication, my dosage, or if I'm just building an immunity. They still knock me out cold dead however, and speaking of which....

Can my friends in the medical field also try and get me a pain-killer that doesn't send me into a coma-like sleep? I woke up with another phone number written on my palm and the initials I.K. (At least I think that's what this is. Or someone though I was dead and tagged me. ...Doctors really don't have the best hand-writing...) In any case, I'd prefer it if this stopped happening. Isn't there supposed to be some sort of security against this kind of thing around here...?

Thanks to everyone who's been visiting me, and.... sorry if I wasn't always awake or coherent at the time. I'd list of names of people I wish to thank, but I'm afraid I'll miss someone due to not remembering and hurt their feelings so... A general thanks to everyone for the support.

[Jimiaya and Tsurude]

...Any success with Hinaji's seal?

[/Jimaiya and Tsurude]


How're you doing? Where are you staying again? I think someone told me but I forgot already... Any other....developments...?


hospital, recovering, medical help

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