Well, then.

Jan 06, 2017 08:23

I was looking forward to YOI Week* on tumblr, but it looks like I'm going to have to pass on it completely. I'll stick to writing Chocolate Box treats instead.

Due to their position* on pairings involving characters under 18, I can't say I'm comfortable participating. I refuse to support any event run by people who misuse the term 'pedophilia'.

There are a lot of perfectly reasonable ways to phrase their stance on this particular thing, IE "For under-18 characters we will be accepting submissions of works for friendship or aged-up relationships only" - while I'd be mildly disappointed, I also feel it's a perfectly fine restriction when phrased like that. But to refer to romantic relationships involving those characters as pedophilia is flat-out wrong. The term has a very serious, very specific meaning, and it shouldn't be used for things it does not actually refer to.

I wouldn't even have been writing anything with Yurio in it; mainly I had Guang Hong pairs in mind, and he tends to be treated as kind of a borderline case. But I've seen more than enough people going on about how even GH ships are creepy (I've even seen this said about LeoJi, multiple times, which... wtf), so, y'know. To be quite honest, anything to do with this just plain sets my teeth on edge.

While I'm on the subject of GH, let me tell you, I've been raising an eyebrow a lot recently, because I keep stumbling across things like "His birthday is in a few days, so it'll be okay to make 18+ fanwork with him". Like... what prevented you from doing that before? If the issue is character age, all one would have to do is set the story during the canon year's Four Continents, or Worlds, and there you go. Problem solved. Or set it during the next figure skating season. Why the need to wait for the date to pass in real-time? People are so weird.

...Anyway. Yes. Looks like I'll be directing my creative energies elsewhere. Which is fine, because the Chocolate Box signups have lots of great requests (including some that I never would have imagined, but now find really interesting), and this exchange's minimum is a perfect length for flashfiction.

Though, all this does make me consider how to handle it if I do write anything that some people would consider Questionable. Like, not just under-18 characters, but some of the other pairings that people might find squicky (ChuChu/CiaoCiao, for instance). I know that the Anonymous collection is an option - Genius Crackporn Anon reminded me - but I'd prefer not to use it unless I have to. So far the possibilities I've come up with include tagging pairing only (I usually tag pairing + characters), and not re-dating upon reveals. So, it'll only be findable by non-exchange-goers if one looks for that specific pairing or digs through a ton of other stuff. That sounds adequate.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3531629.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

thoughts, fandom, yuri on ice

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