
Dec 30, 2016 22:25

Hmmm backdating this one too just because... because, because, because.

It's kind of frustrating how little, pointless, inconsequential things can get to you.

It's easier to pretend that I use a flip-phone without a texting plan because I'm an out-of-touch luddite than it is to admit that it's because my contact list consists of a grand total of four numbers. One is my workplace. The other three are immediate family.

Good gods, I need to make some friends. I just wish it wasn't so difficult.

There are some beginners painting classes at the library that I'd love to take, and also some poetry workshops that look interesting. Could be fun, could also be a good way to meet people. But - of course - they're all on weekdays, and I can't go because that's when I work. This is... typical. But very disappointing.

Argh, I'll figure something else out. I don't know. There's got to be something to do here that is relevant to my interests, involves social interaction (but not too much), and doesn't take place on a weekday.


Today was nice. I got to leave work early, since everyone else was getting out of there early too (in fact, I was kind of kicked out - if everyone else is gone, I can't stay, because I don't have a key, so...) Dad picked me up, since he was downtown anyway, and drove me to the computer repair place.

I didn't mention this previously, but shortly before christmas, I lost my ipod. Well, I found it after Boxing Day, on the road outside the communal postal box. It looked like a truck had run over it or something, heh. Anyway, it still works just fine! But, er, the screen is very shattered (and parts of it have kind of flaked off and exposed what's underneath, yikes). I was hoping to get that repaired, but since it's not the current itouch model, the computer dude said it would cost me like $150 to get it fixed (?!!!). Considering I've already had it repaired once... yeah, no.

So, uh, there goes that idea. I've ordered a new one, and with luck it won't take long to get here. In the meantime, I can continue to use this shattered mess. xD I'm really glad that I found it, though, because I was fretting almost as much about the case as I was about the thing itself - it's a very special case, because it has Anneliese's art on it! <3 It's this one drawing she did of a bison with flowers - very gorgeous. It means a lot to be able to carry my friend's art around with me like that. So. Apparently the 6 will fit in a 5 case (with a bit of wiggling, but doable?), so hopefully I'll be able to use it for the new one, too. I'm happy about that.

Ahh and the fanmade YOI keychain I ordered arrived today. <3 Glittery Phichit/Guang Hong goodness. Way too cute, though it's a bit larger than I expected, ah well. Going to attach it to my messenger bag anyway. <3 Kind of surprising that I've seen more ChuchuJiji fanmerch out there than LeoJi stuff, considering the latter seems to have more fans, but eh. Maybe I'm just having bad luck with searching (not to mention, it isn't as if the series has been complete for long). Besides, I like both, both is good, so it's allll nice as far as I'm concerned....

Mnh, part of me wants to go on a two-hour walk early tomorrow morning. The logical part of me says that it's unlikely I'll actually accomplish this (or at least not the full amount of time). We'll... see how this pans out. It just depends on whether I wake up early enough - and haul my ass out of bed, of course. (IT'LL BE FUN, one part of me says. But, oof. We'll see.)

Another thing that I want to do is get up the nerve to crosspost to Ao3 that Leo/GH story I wrote. I was going to keep it to myself, but some people seemed to like it, so maybe I should? But argh, nerves. Posting in such a public place always makes me so nervous. ...Maybe I'll just sit on it for a while longer. Even though it's finished, I feel like it needs more revision, anyway. Could do with some tweaking, plus the ending is a little weak... ah, I don't know.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3529115.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, life

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