I am not entirely sober plz excuse me

Dec 25, 2016 23:12

Can I just, like, fast-forward to January 2nd? Is that possible? I hate this time of year, it's never a good time for me. IF IT WAS UP TO ME I would opt out of this but it is Not up to me because I live in this house so I just have to... put up with the bullshit and fuss and stress and overstimulation and supper with unpleasant guests and my parents whining about "communists" (AKA Canada's halfassed attempt at socialism). Also, angst. So much angst. (tl;dr I miss my grandmother)

There is not enough wine in the world for me to put up with all this, you guys.

But at least I have the new Pokemon to distract me. Tipsy Pokemon-playing = A++.

I suddenly remember that the reason I never finished Pokemon X is because I kept fiddling around with Pokemon Amie instead of actually playing the game. Luckily for me, the version in Sun/Moon is not quite so involved.

And also I have This Tendency to grind like hell in the beginning in a vague attempt to level my entire team Evenly. Which is ridiculous because you knoooow that I'm going to swap that damn Yungoos out as soon as I have an opportunity to do so. But yknow.

And this is why I haven't made it off Tutorial Island even though I've been playing... much of the evening.... uh.

Did you know that it's hard to make good decisions about pokemon moves when you're drunk

because it's really kind of hard

Also I wanted to have an entire bottle to myself but that would have been a Bad Idea so it's probably good that I didn't.

I'm playing as Niko because some of the darker-haired versions of the player character look sort of like him. And it's kind of fun to imagine him in some kind of pokemon AU, heh. (He would have ALL the cutest pokemon) (even the ones that aren't so great for much) (because he's a cute flake) (the cutest) Also I would never choose a grass starter but Niko might AND SO this is clearly the solution to my internal conflict about the possibilities re: grass vs water starters. Because Rowlet is fucking adorable AND I WANTED ONE but I was Unsure because what even are grass pokemon anyway, we just don't know.

This is solved by not playing as me.



Also, I love Hau, A++ cutest rival ever, I want to squish his adorable little face.

I should go to bed. Maybe. Probably. Ugh. UGHHHHH. At least tomorrow is... not christmas and is also Off so maybe I can like. Write. Because I promised some random person that I would Work On A Thing so I should. Work. On the thing. Yes.


This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3527417.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

fml, pokemon sun & moon, gaming, life

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