
Dec 20, 2016 22:08

Ughhhh brief point-form because it's One Of Those Days, apparently.

☆ Zine fic is done. I can stop thinking about it now. Yay.

☆ Two more days until I'm off work for a little while!~

☆ I CAUGHT A DRAGONITE. And used up most of my pokeballs in the process, but still. A WILD DRAGONITE APPEARED.

☆ I might have accidentally promised an anon that I would show them A Thing that I'm writing (when it's finished), but it's something I never intended to post to Ao3, so I'm currently stuck between deciding whether to crosspost it... Bah, I guess I'll just decide when the thing's actually written. :T

☆ Note to self: Start putting together Chocolate Box letter. (And by that I mean, decide which pairs to request, plunk them in a .txt, and figure out the rest later.)

☆ Current plans for Friday are: going downtown (early!) to pick up January's bus pass. Hit up the library. Also hit up the geocache down by the river - I wasn't able to find it in autumn, but I hear it's more visible in winter (somehow). Also, katsudon for lunch to celebrate the YOI finale? Perhaps.

☆ It's cold and dark and that makes me want to write... stuff set during late spring, or early autumn. Preferably in Nova Scotia. Looks like I need to grab my original characters and shove their faces together. Again.

☆ Solstice is tomorrow. I almost forgot about it. As usual. I don't have much to say, aside from - bless you all, let's keep going. (And thank fuck it's going to start getting lighter here. Slowly.)

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3526046.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, pokemon go, life

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