
Dec 19, 2016 21:27

☆ Threeee moooore daaaays until I'm off work! (Yes, I'm counting down, of course I am.)

☆ Qichi is an A++ individual. (Seriously, dunno where I'd be without you, mate.) We managed to slap this zine fic into something usable. I think. Speaking of which, I still haven't heard back from the Silver Linings organizer after I mailed them to see what format they would like things sent in. Which is kind of bothersome. And they don't have a time zone listed on the requirements page... Argh, frustrating. But at least it means I'll be able to get a few more revs in tomorrow night, before I send the thing off into the void.

☆ In PokeGo news, last afternoon, I stuck my Flareon in the library gym. It is now almost 10 PM on the day after, and it's still there! Holy crap! That's the longest I've been able to hold a gym, like, ever. I'm amazed. That's a decently high-traffic area, so it's really surprising that my dear Suvi hasn't been kicked out yet. I guess training the gym up a few levels before I left helped. Though admittedly, I think another factor might be that the area is not frequented by the high-level players who usually kick me out of the City Hall gym (and the Fire Station gym... and the grocery store parking lot... and the post office, and-). I don't think I've seen their names in this particular location. ...We'll see what happens tomorrow. 8)

☆ Chocolate Box Exchange noms have opened early! I'm so excited. (Deets over at
chocolateboxcomm, for those who didn't do it last year.) I expect I'll be creeping the tag set for the next couple of days. At the time of this posting, it feels kind of like I took a big marker and scrawled "Yuuago was here" all over my fandoms, but I expect that will change very soon. (The Hetalia pairs are full of rare Norway stuff, the YOI section is basically half Guang Hong and/or Phichit, and there are a bunch of random gen duos in the SSSS section... heh heh heh.) Also, speaking of YOI: I'm so glad that this pairing was approved: Phichit Chulanont/Phichit Chulanont's Phone ;p Just as canon as Victor/Yuuri, Y/Y?

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3525779.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, chocolate box exchange, pokemon go, life

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