
Dec 12, 2016 20:22

☆ I feel like I could write something poetic about that feeling you get when your eyelashes have beads of ice on them as you walk in the morning dark. But I'm too tired to write poetry right now. Upside: It's a little bit warmer today than it has been earlier (It was warm enough for me to take the transit today; -30C in the morning. So, that's fine). Hopefully this trend will continue.

☆ Doing up charity packages at work tomorrow. I'M EXCITED. I get to do something cool AND get paid for it, since it's a work event. :D Also, we get pizza. *_*

☆ Very excited for the winter event in Pokemon Go - you can read more about it here. Looks like I'm going to have to hatch some eggs. NO PROBLEM. I bought a bunch of incubators and I am Ready To Go. Good thing eggwalking is my favourite thing, even in cold weather. Oooh, looks like I have a 10km egg - I didn't notice that this morning. I wonder what it'll be? Hopefully a Lapras or a Scyther; I don't have either of those yet.

☆ Arrrgh, I keep hearing good things about Moana, and for the last couple of weekends I haven't been able to go see it. I'll make it happen this weekend, I swear! It sounds so good. Not perfect, of course, but very pretty and enjoyable, and to be quite honest that's all I'm looking for when it comes to animated films.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3523484.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

weather, pokemon go, life, movies

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