I wake up to your sunset / And it's driving me mad I miss you so bad ♪ ♫ ♪

Dec 12, 2016 18:18

I'm feeling really cranky right now, so I'm just going to braindump some ideas about Leo and Guang Hong and Leo/Guang Hong. Because apparently Yuri on Ice braindumps are how I make myself feel better these days.

Maybe I'll write some of these eventually. Who knows.

♫ Leo doesn't just love listening to music; he likes writing it and playing it, too. He isn't as talented at it as he is with skating, but his stuff is easy on the ears in a "pleasant-voiced guy with a guitar" kind of way. Anyway, he writes/records a song for Guang Hong! This song might or might not be a love confession. Actually, it totally is. Or maybe it's love-affirmation. Depends on whether they're together or not at this point in the story... I like either situation.

♪ Leo's song is the right length for a FS. Guang Hong puts together a program that incorporates Leo's music. The program, in itself, is an expression of Guang Hong's love. Or affirmation, if they're together at this point. He doesn't go into detail about what it is supposed to be about, but with the theme of "Togetherness" (or somesuch), and that use of music, and the expressively heartfelt choreography - anyone who sees it and knows the two of them will know exactly what is going on here. (And here they both thought they were being subtle. Oops. Tone down the PDA, guys, you're getting fluff all over the ice.)

♫ How about those long distances. So many time zones. Such a pain in the ass. They probably both get less sleep than they should due to getting up too-early or staying up too-late. They set aside specific times for facetime/skype/whatever dates, and never miss them. Sometimes - especially at first - they send messages at the worst time of night, because they aren't quite used to the time difference. Leo's phone buzzes at 3 AM? Guess who. ...But eventually, they settle into a rhythm. Mostly.

♪ Leo can tell when Guang Hong is on the edge of falling asleep, because his typing will be even worse than usual. It's low on capitals and punctuation at the best of times, and sprinkled with abbreviations, but when the clock crawls toward midnight over in China, well... He has to cross his eyes in order to make sense of anything that Guang Hong sends to him. Leo, on the other hand, writes with correct punctuation and grammar 90% of the time. (As Folie put it, " mama de la Iglesia sure as hell didn't raise her boy to sext like an illiterate" [/WHEEZE]) If his typing gets sloppy... Guang Hong knows that he's probably exhausted. (Or, well, you know -)

♫ Sometimes they send each other letters, even though they don't really have to, considering how they have tech on their side. It's just nice to get letters from someone you love sometimes. Especially if Guang Hong is the one sending those letters to you. He loves using adorable stationery, and he likes doodling in the margins. His handwriting is very neat, and the letters are on small sheets, but they're usually at least three pages long, because he keeps thinking of things to say. And the pages smell nice, as if he had been wearing cologne while writing on them, though Leo isn't sure if this is on purpose or not. Of course, Leo saves each and every one.

♫ We know that Guang Hong trains in Canada during the summer. The end of the horrible time difference! Somewhat. Depending on where he trains, and where Leo lives (the locations aren't specified), there could still be time zone fuckery - the difference between Ontario and the US west coast, for example, is three hours... Which can be a real pain in the ass. And so here we have them thinking wow, finally on the same continent! But then discovering that in some ways it isn't that much easier. One of them is still dozing off way too early in the evening. The other is still receiving texts at ridiculous hours of the morning. ...But at least they can catch one another at not-ridiculous hours. Sometimes.

♪ Being on the same continent means that it's a little bit easier to see each other. Not easy, but easier. Maybe they can only manage it once. But they do manage it. Maybe Guang Hong saves as much as he can, and goes to visit Leo somehow. Just for a little bit. Just for a little while. A couple of weeks. It's difficult to put away the time and money for it, but he does it. Maybe he does it on his way to Canada from China, or vice versa - arranges his flights so that he can stop for a while and see him. He just has to see him. And when he's finally there, and he's arrived at the airport, and he sees Leo - he just latches onto him and doesn't want to let go.

♪ ...And of course, Guang Hong has his skates with him. And of course, he and Leo go and skate together. Can't neglect practice just because they're seeing each other again after who knows how many months. Maybe, in between some Serious Business, they fool around a little. Maybe Leo jokes about helping Guang Hong choreograph something - and then when they think about it a little more, they decide, hey, why not try it... At first, it's difficult, because the way that Leo would choreograph for himself doesn't quite suit Guang Hong's strengths, his delicate grace. But after a little while, he figures something out, and puts something together, and... It's not perfect; Leo certainly isn't Victor - he can't put together a polished SP in a week. But it's an idea, it's something that they can work with, something that Guang Hong can form into an actual program eventually, and it's special because it's something they worked on between the two of them.

♪ Pair skating? Pair skating. Once again, fooling around when they should be doing serious practice. Finding that it's really difficult, because while of course it's still figure skating, it's a different skillset than they're used to using. Skating on one's own is one thing, but skating in perfect synch with someone else, well... that's another thing, and getting good at it takes time. And practice. And neither of them is able to give that right now. But they love trying to do it, finding new ways to coordinate, trying to work together in a way that's entirely new to them.

♫ They might be friends and lovers, but they're also both skaters - and that means they're rivals. When it comes to international competitions, they cheer each other on, but each of them still wants the gold for himself. It isn't a source of tension, exactly; but it does lead to teasing, to wishing the other luck in getting silver on the night before the competition (perhaps, even in bed). In the end, they both say that it doesn't really matter (much) who places where, as long as they're on the podium together, like they were that time at Skate America, that competition that brought them together. That's what they wish the most. (Though maybe with a bit of rearranging, naturally. In Guang Hong's imagination, he's at the centre, and Leo is at his right... of course.)

...Well, I feel better now. :D WHO KNOWS, maybe I'll write some of this... some day. Eventually. Ish. Or not. Who knows. But I do like thinking about these things. They're such nice ideas.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3523147.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

thoughts, yuri on ice

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