
Nov 17, 2016 19:13

☆ I was all ready to complain about how ~cold~ it is, but then I checked and it's only -15. All this mild weather has made me a bloody WIMP. I need to toughen up, yo. And figure out where the hell I put my fur hat. Seriously, where did I store that thing... it can't have gotten up and wandered off on its own.

☆ The answer to the question "How many black lipsticks does one goth need" is clearly "all of them". In other words, I received a package I was waiting on, hooray. Looking forward to trying this one out - matte black by Black Up, we'll see how this goes... I have a lovely satin one by MUFE but I find it transfers more than I'd like. Though I do wish this box had come in before the onset of scarf weather, eesh.

☆ Writing has been tough lately. I keep feeling like I'm pushing around a plate full of peas (I really don't like peas). Even the stuff that doesn't have deadlines is like pulling teeth. But when I think about it, I tend to at least get something done on weekends, so maybe I just need some peace and quiet. And... cleaning my room might help. Probably. Possibly. It's a mess in here. This always happens when it starts to get cold.

☆ I am Very Amused that I keep running into Canadian YOI fans who are super excited for JJ to show up in the next ep... In fact I'm laughing. I thought it was just me, but apparently not. Canucks are so predictable, I swear to god. ("Imagine him skating to the Log Driver's Waltz" they said, and now I can't get that song out of my head, fffffff.)

☆ I have nothing useful to say so let me just direct you to this cute Leo/Guang Hong fanart [tumblr | Pixiv] It's probably my favourite of the ones I've seen so far. Ahhh I'm kind of sad that we'll see very little of them from now on, if anything. I know the narrative has to progress, but...! These adorable guys! Ah well, I guess that's what fanwork is for.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3516160.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

frivolities, writing, life, yuri on ice, recs

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