Reading Wednesday

Nov 16, 2016 21:54

I haven't done a Reading Wednesday in a while, so... here's what I've been reading lately:

Currently reading:

Packing For Mars by Mary Roach. Yes, still. It's going slowly, but I still do enjoy it. The only thing stopping me from breezing through it more quickly is the fact that I'm reading it electronically. Should have seen if the library had a paper copy... Anyway, if you're interested in the history of space travel (and the possibilities for the future), it's pretty interesting - not to mention funny. Roach has such a lively prose voice, it's great.

Lady Franklin's Revenge by Ken McGoogan. I love reading about the Franklin expedition, so it's really interesting to see the story from Jane Franklin's perspective. I had no idea that she travelled so much herself - Turkey, Egypt, Greece.... I'm still in the early parts of this book, not all that close to the part that actually deals with Franklin's expedition, but I'm looking forward to the rest.

Eventually One Dreams the Real Thing by Marianne Boruch. This one is a volume of poetry. It... is not quite to my taste; stylistically, some of the poems in here edge close to what I like, but it's not quite there. She uses a lot of imagery that I might enjoy if it phrased just slightly differently. I don't dislike it enough to anti-rec, though.

Not started yet:

Xweliqwiya: The life of a Sto:lo Matriarch by Rena Point Bolton & Richard Daly. Like the title/authors suggests, it's a memoir/biography/oral history of a Sto:lo elder. Should be interesting! Probably going to tackle this one as soon as I'm finished reading the book on Jane Franklin.

as if by E. D. Blodgett. Poetry again. This one looks very sparse and minimal; bare, with lots of nature images. I think I'll love it, considering that's the style I usually like best, but we'll see.

Fire and Sky: A Canadian Anthology of Poetry. This... I don't know if I'm actually ready to read this book. It's a limited-run anthology of work centred around the wildfire evacuation we went through back in May. I'm not very plugged in to the local writing scene, and if I had known about this, I might have contributed to it. But, I didn't. And I'm not sure I'm ready to write poetry about it anyway, though I've thought about it. (I have enough emotion about this to fill an entire volume.) Not to mention the thought of being published gives me hives. ...Anyway. I'm looking forward to it, but at the same time, I don't know if I'll be able to handle actually reading it. Still - this is the library copy, but I might purchase my own, just as some sort of bizarre memento, I guess. The sales go to the local library, so it's a good thing.

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reading wednesday, reading, fort mcmurray fire 2016

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