
Nov 01, 2016 17:37

☆ Trick or Treat Ex fics are revealed. Yay! Too tired to link individually right now, so, my gift page is here, 3 SSSS & 1 Ex Machina. They're all wonderful, and I'm very happy with them. I highly suggest reading them if you like those fandoms. And also suggest browsing through the collection in general, honestly. Lots of good stuff this year.

☆ There was a Russia/Norway during time of the Pomor Trade fanart on my dash and it made me very happy.

☆ I received my assignment for Silent Night Ex. This is something that I can definitely work with, and I have an idea already, so I'm happy with it. Looking forward to starting it - probably not until weekend, but who knows. Treats might happen, but after ToT, I'm a little bit treated out, so we'll see.

☆ I also finally have a somewhat solid idea for my Yuletide assignment, or at least something to hang an idea on and develop it, so that's something. Hopefully will get to that this weekend as well. I thought I might have to review the entire canon, but it looks like I might be able to avoid that, which is nice.

☆ SSSS's latest update is family trees for all the main characters. We have a lot of new names for character background, hooray. The fandom's going nuts. It's nice to see. :D (And now I finally have official names that I can use if I ever want to follow my dreams and write stuff about Sigrun's parents, yesssssss)

☆ I am very tired. So tired. The tiredest. And also it's cold.

☆ NaNo started today but I'm too braindead to write a single sentence of fiction, fml.

☆ Why am I incapable of finding a black nail polish that doesn't chip like a motherfucker. WHY. Is there a solution to my woes? ...The answer is probably "Illamasqua", and to that, I stare dead-eyed and say, "Conversion rates and international shipping".

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3512284.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

silentnightex, yuletide, stand still stay silent, pointless, trickortreatex, hetalia, life, recs

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