
Oct 30, 2016 20:40

☆ Can hardly wait for Trick or Treat reveals... Unfortunately, I'm working tomorrow, so I won't get to read anything until I get home. OH NO. Alas.

☆ I commissioned Scout to do an Emil/Lalli illustration (specifically, of a scene from one of my fics) and now it's done. It's over here and ahhhh is it ever adorable. *_*

☆ Haven't managed to go through the entire FemslashEx collection, but I did read this one: I Will Continue Playing, a lovely SSSS fic with Pastor A/OC. :) I do suggest reading it - and also I think it's one that can, for the most part, be enjoyed if you aren't familiar with the canon. Aaanyway I hope to get around to poking though more of that exchange later this week... we'll see.

☆ I finished a long (10K!) aRTD story: "The Ghost in the Woods" (Ao3 | DW). Joona and Jonna take Hannu and Ville ghost hunting, and scary things happen. Yep. ;) Fffuu, I need to write more long stories. And horror. Maybe it'll get easier if I do. ;p

☆ I've somehow acquired a taste for ASMR. I think I'll blame my mate Lorien. Yes. She kept referring to it and posting videos and I got curious. I don't actually get any of the tingly feelings that are the intended effect, but I do find those videos oddly relaxing. It's kind of the same way that I find rain noises relaxing, except it's... somebody scratching on a table, or scraping textured soap, or whatever. ??? How strange. xD (I think this one is my favourite of what I've listened to so far. And the fact that it's nice and long - 40 min - is even better.)

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3511968.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

asmr, trickortreatex, femslashex, writing, a redtail's dream, stand still stay silent, recs

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