Reading Wednesday

Oct 05, 2016 06:07

Finished reading: Cree Narrative Memory: From Treaties to Contemporary Times by Neal McLeod. This one is basically what it says on the tin. It covers a lot of subject, but what was most interesting to me was its discussions of how narrative memory works in the Cree tradition, and how this memory should be used to re-examine the treaties - in general, and with regards to Treaty 6 in particular, and what was verbally promised vs what was actually written down. I'm going to have to see if there's a similar book out there regarding Treaty 8, since that's the area I'm in - well, I'm sure there's something, it's just a matter of checking if the library has it. (Can't be bothered to ILL, but... they'll probably have it.)

Currently reading: Packing For Mars by Mary Roach. Reading The Martian kind of made me want to poke around in the idea of travel to Mars, and this book has been on my radar for a while. I've already read one of her other books, Stiff, which was excellent. And so far, this one is just as fun and engaging, which is great because the history of space travel and its future potential isn't typically one of my personal interests. Roach has a very light, humourous way of writing, and in spite that I never feel that anything is being deliberately turned around in the interest of a good joke. Though of course, if you're looking for something in-depth, this probably isn't the book for you. Great place to start, though, if your interest in the subject is vague and fleeting. ;V

Reading next: Probably Trail of the Spirit by George Blondin. It's a book on Dene medicine power, and includess various stories that have been passed down - similar to the previous work I've read by this writer, Yamoria the Lawmaker, though with a different focus. Not quite sure of the finer details beyond that, but I'm sure it'll be interesting.

I've been trying to read a bit more nonfiction lately, since I do generally intend to do so at the beginning of the year, but rarely follow through with reading much of it. Mostly I've been picking up just... whatever is vaguely related to fiction I've been reading, plus random interesting-looking stuff from the FN section, pf. :V

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