Go to hell. I can give you the address.

Oct 04, 2016 21:57

Ahaha. It's been a few months since I last saw someone saying that the wildfires were God's punishment for - insert laundry list of bullshit here, including drugs and prostitution and who knows what else. I didn't read the whole thing, though funnily enough, this one didn't mention climate change.

Apparently some assholes haven't dropped the idea yet. Lovely. Just what I needed to come across when looking for information about an unrelated incident (a fake kidnapping threat in my town, what the hell*).

I'm just so, so tired of everything. So tired. And angry. And angry with myself for getting worked up about it, too. And tired.

Like - I want to be mad, I want to scream at these people, the ones who say things like this. People who don't know a damn thing about my community, or the people who live here. Good-for-nothing wastes of oxygen who should go to that hell they love railing on about, and stay there. Spare us all the trouble of sharing earth with them. (There are so, so many things I can say that are worse than this, but let's leave it there, because-)

Being mad won't do any good. It'll just make me upset. Again. And I'm never very useful when I'm upset. Or angry. Or, well, you know.

It's just, I've been upset more often lately, because my new bus route takes me through downtown, and along the river, and you can see all the places that would normally be covered with yellow leaves at this time of year, but now it's just bare. And every time I go across the river, and see Abasand hill on the other side of it, I remember when it was on fire, and I could see the flames flaring up. And I remember when we left work that day, and I looked toward downtown, and everything was pitch black, and you could see redness in the smoke, and ash was falling on us. And my coworkers looked at me, because I was born here, and they knew that I had lived here during times when the forest fires were close, and they asked me, "Yuu, is this normal?!"

And I said no. Because it wasn't. And that was all I could say about it.

Time for some sleep. That's the human equivalent of a reboot, right? Turn it off and then back on, see if the problem's fixed. Wow, is this ever a mess.

I think I figured out why this asshole upset me so much.

It was specifically because I came across it while searching for information about the kidnapping threat.

When the threat was issued, the schools went into "hold and secure" mode. The last time they went into that mode was on the day of the evacuation, before the evac order was issued. And while this isn't my area of expertise, I would guess that having an order to hold and secure, only one month into the semester, after having to go through that in May - it would be kind of upsetting, if not traumatic, for a lot of those kids and staff.

Now, I ain't saying Fort Mac kids are little angels. But if anyone in this city deserves divine retribution or what the fuck ever, children are far, far down on the list. Same can be said for the teachers.

And those are the kind of people that assholes like this forget. Or ignore. Or don't care about. Because Fort McMurray is just an oil town, right? The only people who live here are come-from-away oil workers who spend all their oilpatch cash on hookers and blow, right?

They don't fucking think of all the people who were evacuated in that fire. Supermarket workers. Charity workers. Retail workers. Elderly people. Nurses. Gas station staff. Hospital patients. Librarians. Landscapers. SPCA workers. Native people. People who came here as refugees in hope of building up a better life.

Thousands of children. Many, many teachers. Teachers who stayed with their students, and made sure that every single kid got out of that city safely. Teachers who weren't able to go home and pack up belongings or documents. Teachers who were in many cases separated from their own children, and had to concentrate on the kids who needed their help right at that moment. I've heard stories of teachers who stayed with the students they evacuated, who refused to leave them until every one of them was reunited with their families, even though the teachers had family that they hadn't managed to regain contact with.

I'm just so angry. In general. At everything. At the fire, at the world, at assholes who forget about, or don't care, that there are people who live here who aren't fucking oil patch workers. And even the people who do work in the oil industry - gods forbid, nobody fucking deserves this. Nobody deserves to go through that, nobody deserves to have to live through that, nobody deserves to lose their home, or even fear that they might lose their home.

This got way longer than I intended. I'm going to get some fucking sleep.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3506549.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

fort mcmurray fire 2016, angst

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