An unorganized list of thoughts

Sep 28, 2016 08:47

Things I need: More long-sleeved t-shirts to layer under regular t-shirts. Especially in bright colours. Or with stripes. I know that this look is kind of... dated, and often associated with like, teenage boys, but I love it. And in some ways I can't believe it took me a long time to be comfortable wearing clothes this way, but then again... yeaaah. So glad that I eventually came around/stopped giving any fucks, though. It's so comfortable. And WARM.

Things about Exchanges: I've already seen like, four Yuletide letters that I want to treat. This means that I should probably Not Look At the letters post until my Trick or Treat exchange fic is done. Yyyep. Upside is, I'm writing it by hand, so if I can't possibly resist, I could just do the unthinkable and... take a break from the internet! Until it's finished. Wow, what a scary thought.

Things I want out of PokeGo fandom: Less wank about Blanche's gender, and more wanking to Blanche, if you know what I mean. (Actually, I'm not even into nsfw stuff for this fandom, but it would definitely be a better alternative. Eesh.)

Speaking of that game: I had to give up the borrowed phone again, and I'm basically foaming at the mouth because I can't walk my eggs, pffff. (Just need to wait until Monday, just need to wait a while, argh). Also my Team Mystic t-shirt has disappeared AGAIN. WHERE IS IT?! ....I'm going to tear apart my bedroom in an attempt to find it, and then will probably discover that it was mistakenly mixed in with my father's clothes. Again.

On Pokemon Sun & Moon: I've decided that if I can manage to 1. rack up 3k worth of coins on Habitica, and 2. finish playing Pokemon X, then I will allow myself to buy Pokemon Moon in addition to asking for Pokemon Sun for Christmas. ;V The games sound like they'll be different enough to justify having both. And managing this will be quite a challenge. So, we'll see how it goes. Maybe I'll be lucky.... You know, I used to not use Rewards on Habitica at all, because they weren't great motivation, but then I discovered that they work really well for expensive things like this. Delayed gratification! :D

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pokemon sun & moon, habitrpg, gaming, pokemon go, yuletide, life

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