
Sep 27, 2016 21:30

☆ I didn't get any fic-writing done tonight, but I sure did get my Yuletide Exchange letter written. Voila. I GUESS now that this thing is written, I should... work on my Trick or Treat assignment, or something. (Nah, that would make sense.)

☆ There sure is some construction going on in the street behind our house. The turn next to us is blocked off, and the only way to get out of the street is to go aroooouuund and then through another little street and then turn and then out. It's annoying as hell. I either have to take a long detour, or cut across people's lawns! ...I actually don't mind walking on their lawns when it's 6 AM and pitch black and nobody's going to see me, but it's an entirely different thing during the day. I'll be so happy when this is all fixed. I don't even know what they're repairing over there.

☆ I can't remember if I mentioned this, but I received my SAD light last week. So far, it... seems to be working? I think? Or at least, it's easier to wake up in the morning, somehow. I've been using it during the ~45 minutes between breakfast and when I need to leave for work, and so far I feel a little bit less dead when I get to work. Hard to say if there's any effect beyond that, but it sure is interesting. So far, no regrets. (It's a Verilux HappyLight 5K, if anyone is curious.)

☆ ...I just realized that it's almost October. How the hell is it almost October?! On the one hand: hell yeah, the month of black lipstick, horror movies, and tacky Halloween decorations. On the other hand... where the hell did the year go?!

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3505594.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

yuletide, life

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