Well then

Sep 22, 2016 22:23

I was brought to tears by a fic that referred to the subject of governmental projects, employment, and compensation for labour.

This probably indicates that I'm a little stressed out this week. But who knows. :'D

I guess it's not surprising I'd have a lot of feelings about that sort of thing, considering a lot of my family works in the construction industry, and my own job is closely tied to it, but... yeesh. Self, get a grip.

The story in question was a Goblin Emperor fic about the Wisdom Bridge project going overbudget - Appropriation Bills, Compulsory Purchases, and Hope (1.6k, Csethiro/Maia, worksafe). It was part of a recent exchange... I normally don't read TGE, but hell, I'll probably read everything from the collection, why not. I've been meaning to re-read the novel, too, anyway.

...Anyway. Most of this evening was spent knitting and watching movies. I think I needed to sit around for a while and not do much of anything. So glad that it's nearly the weekend, though. It sounds like I need it. :P

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3503987.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

goblin emperor, recs

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