
Aug 22, 2016 22:13

☆ Today was relaxing. I didn't do much. It's probably for the best. Walked around a bit to enjoy the weather, did some windowshopping... found a lovely little cafe that I've passed by a lot of times, and I wish I'd gone in sooner, because they have amazing sandwiches and their coffee is wonderful. And they serve it in mugs as big as soup bowls. That is exactly to my taste. xD So... I spent some time writing there, obviously. The fic I'm working on is more like Extruded Fic Product, but if I keep banging away at it, maybe something will happen.

☆ Was poking around one of the many used bookstores here, and ended up walking out with... a cookbook. Which is surprising, because I hardly ever cook (make desserts, yes, but cook things for supper... no. tl;dr me + cooking = incompatible with the way my family schedules mealtimes). But anyway, it's a book of simple Italian recipes, and they look relatively idiot-proof - but what actually drew me was that the author shares a surname with my mother's side of the family. It's not one I stumble across often, because it's a pretty rare name. Anyway, after investigating, we're probably not distant relations, alas (he's from central Italy, whereas my family is northern - from Friuli) but that's all right. xD Maybe some time I can try making some of these things... it has instructions on how to make home-made spaghetti sauce, and it looks like something I could do. I don't like anything with tomatoes in it, but I think my mother will love it. AND ALSO it has stuff on how to make pannacotta... and polenta... and omg I want to learn how to make gnocci, it looks time-consuming but relatively painless. HMMmmm.... I'm going to have to try some of these on the few days when I'm left to my own devices.

☆ Did some geocaching this evening. Tried one; didn't find it. And it should have been a REALLY EASY find, too. Hell, someone even found it yesterday, according to the logs. But it just... wasn't there? It's possible that it got muggled, but. What even. I might try again later in the week, just to make sure. I guess I could have poked around more thoroughly, but there were people nearby (not too close, just close enough) and I didn't want to look like a weirdo feeling up stone walls. (Wat.) I ended up going to look for a different cache in the evening, to make up for the lack of success earlier. At least I managed to find that one.

☆ Speaking of geocaching, man, some people sure do have Opinions on urban microcaches. And by that I mean, a lot of those Opinions boil down to "they suck". Well, screw that. I mean, most of my finds so far have been microcaches, with one exception, so it's not like I'm in a position to make an informed opinion. But the thing is, this isn't the kind of hobby that everyone can do easily. A lot of larger caches require transportation to not-easy-accessible areas, as well as hiking. Now, I don't mind hiking, but transport - that's an issue. Also, there's the issue of seasonal access - in Fort Mac, for example, a lot of the larger caches are located in the woods, and while a walk in the woods is pretty nice, it's not exactly something you want to do alone during bear season. Hell, last week, I was looking for a cache in the bush in the downtown area, and when I came out, I saw a Bear Warning sign that I'd missed when going in. (It was kind of funny, actually. Warning not just for a bear, but a Problem Bear. I mean, obviously it's a "problem" because it's hanging around by apartment buildings, but it reads more like it's a bear that Has Issues. xD) ...So uh, basically what I'm saying is, in my totally-newbie-ish opinion, urban microcaches are great because they give people a safe and accessible way to enjoy a hobby that they might otherwise not be able to participate in. Not to mention, it's a good way for beginners to figure out if they'll enjoy it at all.

☆ I had a Pleasant and Civilized Conversation with a stranger today. Who happened to be really hot. And he had really nice, really loooong hair. He looked like a prince and I felt like an awkward potato. +10 points to me for being social, though. This is not something that happens often. (Not to mention that if someone talks to me back at home, it's usually because they want money, or cigarettes, or to convert me to something. No wonder I don't usually talk to people.)

☆ Meeting Aki tomorrow. I'm gonna die. (No, I won't.) ...I'm gonna put my foot in my mouth 3652346 times. (Yes, probably.)

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3497592.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

food, travel, geocaching, life

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