(no subject)

Aug 21, 2016 21:22

☆ Arrived in Victoria. Whoo! It's nice to be here again, even if the weather was shit today - far too windy. Aki arrives on the 23rd... I have no idea what I'm going to do on the 22nd. I've been feeling kind of tired and sore lately (tl;dr: too much walking, also general frustration with the universe) so if the weather is nice, I might just find a sunny spot on that big lawn outside the Legislature to plunk myself down and knit and write and read and do nothing all day.

☆ THAT FEELING when you're trying to wind yarn into a ball from the skein and it just ends up as... yarn spaghetti. Why. Why does this happen. (Shhh I know why it happens, I'm just grumping.)

☆ Writing-wise, managed to slap down some words today. Not much, though. And it was just OC stuff (Suvi's POV, oddly enough... I'm finding it hard to get into her head so far. She's tricky). Hopefully will get some other things done... I really need to give that Rarepair Exchange assignment another read-through; I mean, yes, it's done, but it... needs it. We'll see. Plus, treats, I want to write treats for this one user... argh, we'll see. Not to mention the mountains of unfinished stuff that I have in that wip folder. x_x Ffffu.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3497442.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, travel, life

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