
Aug 07, 2016 20:42

☆ Yiiikes, my feet hurt like hell. I think I overdid it today. I kind of hope that tomorrow it will rain, just so I won't be tempted to go out for a long walk again. Or... maybe I could just do a short one... (I don't know my limits.) x_x My knees hurt too. Yeah, I... yeah. Tomorrow, I'll just stay home.

☆ Think I almost have exchange fic #2 finished. I just need to figure out how to end it. After that, well, it's mainly just linework, you know, revising things. One of them is a different format than what I usually would write, so it might be a little bit more challenging, but I don't think it will be too much of a problem. ...I really need to get these done, though. Hopefully I'll have them in by the end of the week. That's the original due date; I know it was pushed back due to the delay in getting assignments out, but it's probably best if I adhere to it.

☆ Only a couple of weeks until I leave for Victoria! I'm so looking forward to it. <3 Hmm, I should probably see if there is anything in particular that I want to go to... I'm sure that Aki has lots of things that she wants to see, but it doesn't hurt to have extra ideas as well. Plus, I will be a few days by myself there, so it'll be useful to have some idea of how to spend that time. I remember that I really enjoyed those ghost walks; maybe I should do that again. The stories will probably be the same, but it's nice to have something to do in the evenings, because usually I don't have any idea how to spend that time.

☆ All I want to do is write stuff with my OCs from the Kajaani storyline, fuuuu. But I should finish some other projects first. Including the one story that I did write with Niko in it (In which he hears something unsettling in a spirit-clogged radio and gets pretty freaked out :D) And that one Suvi/Vesa thing that I started but didn't get very far with. Oh man, those two, I love their relationship so much. Anyway. /Throws up hands!! I have too many wips.

☆ Feeling very tired and asocial lately, and to be honest I've been in one of those moods where I want to backdate every single entry, so that people will only see them if they go looking. I don't know, occasionally I just have these FEELINGS like my daily blather showing up on someone's friends feed = me shoving myself in other people's faces. Even when those people are my friends. I dunno. It's dumb. I'm dumb. But that's okay. Sometimes we have to be a little ridiculous about little things.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3494920.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

oc nonsense, writing, travel, life

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